Always think people are mad at you?


Well-known member
I actually think this all the time. I dont always think that they are mad at me but I always think ive done something to them and they dont like me even if ive done nothing to them.


Well-known member
Ahh, I sometimes have thought that too..!!

And sometimes they HAVE BEEN mad at me aha... hmhm

But sometimes *I* have been mad at them - and then thought they were mad at me (mum explained it to me once it could be some sort of 'reverse mechanism' and I was surprised to see it was true in some cases! eg with an ex-roommate etc)

Well, even if people can be mad at each other sometimes, they can still be good friends and/or can still like each other... I think many people on this forum (and elsewhere) may also live with at least some 'difficult' people and in some 'difficult' circumstances...

Sometimes people can be grumpy or just have a bad day too...

What is that quote? To err is human & to forgive is divine...? :) I like it...