anyone else always tired?

I'm ALWAYS tired...It doesn't matter if I've gotten 2 hours of sleep or 12. I'm still tired the next day. And it makes me really anti-social. When I have energy, which happens very rarely, I have the willpower to force myself to talk or say what's on my mind, but when I'm tired which is pretty much always, I'm too lazy to try and I let my anxiety win.

Anybody know what I can do to have more energy?? (other than energy drinks they make me too antsy...)


Well-known member
I don't know either. I'm always tired too!
And even if I sleep 10 hours, I'm tired. No motivation at all.
I just push myself.


Well-known member
Yeah im as lazy as hell
No energy no motivation
Cant get excited about anything and it makes me feel like a kunt
I do find that when i wake up if i do something straight away that i definetly have some more energy for the day. If you wake up and do nothing then its a enery kill for the rest of the day
No, I'm NEVER tired. It can be so annoying. Also doesn't matter how much sleep I get or anything. I hardly know the feeling of being tired.


Well-known member
I also have the same problem.

These things help

* Regular exercise
* Having a good breakfast meal
* Eating more fruits and vegetables

If you are training, taking creatine adds energy aswell.

But in most of our cases, I'm pretty sure that with all the mental stress and anxiety we go trough on our daily lives compared to someone normal, our body reacts by being "drained out" and we have no physical energy left.


Well-known member
When I was in school, I felt just like you. So tired all day.
I think it has to do with sitting through long lectures day in day out.
At times I could swear that the teacher had tranquilizers shooting out of his/her mouth. Except, so bad that it wasn't even jokingly funny.

I haven't felt like this since I became a janitor, never having to sit through any lectures at all. I just get my sleep, go to work where I can act out all of my anxiety by means of being anal retentive about every spot and piece of litter I see. Yes I walk to and fro, scrubbing, sweeping, mopping, walking up and down stairs, I'm never tired now. I haven't felt tired since I was in school.

But my job doesn't bring in much money, so I will soon be hitting the books again, feeling just like you.
I was always exhausted, felt really drained and had no energy, until I started exercising regularly. Exercise gives you so much energy, and being fit in general makes you feel lighter and stronger. It also burns off all that excess adrenaline that builds up from having anxiety.

If I have a few days in a row where I don't exercise, I feel drained and really low on energy, but then I can't sleep at night. It sucks! So I do a little bit about 5 times a week.