are these thoughts typical of ocd?


New member
i sometimes get weird thoughts on my head like the following:

"if you type the word 'car' in this next instant message, you will get aids"


"check your watch. if it the minute lands on a '5', you should not walk this route."

I recognize that doing the action has no relationship to the final event. But is this typical of an OCD patient?

From what I've read, an OCD patient might wash their hands repeatedly because they feel their hands will be dirty. The action and relationship are linked.

Mine aren't.


New member
another question:

I've been diagnosed with OCD when I was eight years old and stopped getting treatment when I was 14 years olds. Now I'm 22.

I do get these thoughts from time to time, and while I am able to live a "normal" life, I can get emotionally drained by not following the thoughts in my head. Recently, most of my fears have been about getting HIV (my friend seems to have gotten the virus unfortunately.)

Should I see the psychiatrist?