Ask THAT question!


You want to know how I got these scars?
Do you notice how certain things always happen to you, things that drive you crazy or bug the bejeezus out of you? More out of frustration than anything else, you ask yourself 'WHY!?..why does this always happen to me!?'...

I'd love to hear the things that make you pull your hair out in frustration, so... let's hear em! :giggle:

Whenever I'm trying to get somewhere in a bit of a hurry, magically an old grey haired person will ALWAYS appear in front of me walking or driving at the slowest speed possible...

i swear it's a conspiracy between older ppl..
"hey Marg, watch me frustrate the hell outta this guy who's in a hurry..'
*cuts out in front of Pug and walks at 0.000003 klm's an hours....*:kickingmyself::bigsmile:


Well-known member
I can be so very relaxed, but if anyone starts talking politics my moermeter hits red instantly.


Super Moderator
Never having the priviledge of talking to anyone rational. Just when you think somebody might be "ok", they pull some BS disappointing thing.

-flips table-