Avoidant Personality Disorder


Well-known member

Have been posting on this site on and off for a couple of years.

I was hoping to gain some support, lift myself up and get on with living.

But the reality is that despite my best efforts I am convinced that this avoidant personality thing that I have is here to stay.

The anxiety, low self esteem, avoidance etc kills me a little more each day.

Has anyone reached that point - that life for people like us can never be the same for people we know - many friends, partners, kids etc??

And if so - what is the point of living??

Thanks for reading - Happy New Year - Jayo.


Well-known member
No comeback from anyone on this - does anyone here not feel the same way?

If not, why are you people on this website?


Well-known member
" Has anyone reached that point - that life for people like us can never be the same for people we know - many friends, partners, kids etc??

I never thought like that and why would you want to.
Always have a little bit of hope that i will get over it


Well-known member
Thanks for the responses.

I agree - the only way to get better is to refute the automatic negative thoughts underpinning anxiety - every day.

Not so sexy but effective.

And maybe positive affirmations to push to the place we want to go.

We are what we think - my motto for 2009!


Well-known member
I definitely avoid. I've read about Avoidant Personality Disorder before but this really stood out (written above):

"I believe It comes from lack of positive feedback and experiences in your childhood and beyond."

Makes total sense.

I'm in that "stuck" stage, I know my thoughts are mainly the problem!