Bad at organizing


Well-known member
I'm absolutely bad at organizing my self.

Wether it is keeping my room orderly and clean, making goals and appointments and sticking to them, taking care of my finances, etc.

I can almost never make a plan and stick to it. Unless it is absolutely Last Moment stuff and I go in a sort of Flight or Fight modus. I can never keep my room clean and orderly for longer then two days. I can almost never just invite someone in, I would need 2 hours to clean up first.

This kind of keeps me stuck at a certain level. I get distracted too easily and just live from day to day. This gets me in a lot of trouble.
I am doing a creative study and it seems I can't combine creativity with organisation. I need stress to shake me out of apathy, but stress prevents me from really making something good.

Has anyone here been an unorganised jitterbrained slob like me and managed to improve themselves?
The answer is simple of course, organise. Maybe I just need someone to keep me in check. Or ADD pills.
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Roman Legion

Well-known member
My brother keeps making fun of me and has always called me "OCD".. The less stuff you have, the easier it is to maintain. Try throwing things away that you don't need, try working on being a bit more of a minimalist. I am a procrastinator to the nth degree and have a VERY unusual way of organizing things. I don't have much in the way of finances, but I always paid the things I need to on time, so financially I am not the man to speak to. But again, the less crap you have, the easier time you will have maintaining. Try to work on making it a habit even when you don't feel like it, otherwise we as humans tend to slack off and let things 'go to hell'. (I also never get many new things, if you can salvage something or keep somethng working or even go without, it not only saves money, but keeps you from accumulating crap that you don't need. I still have over half my clothes from the '90s and the newer stuff was free.) I guess a rule of thumb is if you can't fit clothes in your drawers or hang them in your closet, you more than likely have too much and should consider tossing or donating stuff. This minimalistic model is hard for people that are so adamantly connected into the consumerist society we live in. I hope I have been of some help here. If you have more questions, I have literally nothing better going on, so just ask and I'll try to help. :)


Well-known member
I don't really have much stuff. I just leave stuff lying around everywhere, or throw it on the ground. You should see my room, it's embarrassing.

I always tell myself after I clean: "This time I'll keep it this way!" but I fall right back into the same bad habits. I might need a bigger closet (I only have a stupid rack) and better storage space. Right now I just have a really inefficient living space. But again, I don't think this is the root cause. I think it's my jittery mind that runs off constantly, doing other things.


Well-known member
"Good evening, my name is Hoppy and I am a slob"

Two things that helped me. I have the book Getting things done by David Allen that helped me a lot with organising and paperwork, even though I still have massive slip-ups it at least it can be corrected.

The one website that helped me with clutter was Flylady, and they have lots of tips and advice as well daily emails to help with a cleaning routine.

The best advice I read was once on Flylady, where someone wrote and said she consider cleaning as a hobby. She will never be perfect, but as long as she do something every day, she stays on top.

Good luck.
I can't organize anything to save my life. The state of my apartment right now is embarrassing, and even when I do manage to straighten it up, it's still cluttered and chaotic looking. All I can seem to do is shift the clutter around rather than actually figuring out where it "should" go.