Compensatory Sweating...with Robinul


Active member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to do a couple posts tonight since you all are the only ones I really engage with about our condition, hoping that these posts and other replies somehow advance perhaps finding the ideal situation to combat HH or even cure it (a day I am not holding my breath for but still praying for).

I am now taking 4mg of Robinul usually 2hours before I wake up, so take it at 4am, then go back to bed, and wake up at 6am is usually my routine.

Over the course of a week, compared with what my life used to be like pre-Robinul (Ionto didn't work for me either and I tried everything with an Idromed 5 PS), I'd say that I am dry 60% of the time. Now 60% is still better than 0% dry and boy do I appreciate the time that I am dry, can't ever remember in the past when I actually had dry hands for more than 10 minutes at a time.

Because of my hyperhidrosis, I pay very careful attention to the environment I am in daily and what triggers my HH, where, and why. Whether its heat, anxiety, diet, any other emotions, I try and take mental notes a lot and pay close attention with what's going on around me and what my sweat reaction is. Just how I am programmed I guess.

But I have begun to notice something pretty curious. As someone with severe HH in the hands, feet, and armpits; pre-Robinul my forehead, face, and neck only sweat a little bit if I was anxious, nervous, or hot. It was my hands, feet, and armpits that would just start sweating like crazy.

But now on 4mg of Robinul daily, interestingly enough I feel like I have gotten compensatory sweating. But it only happens later on in the day, (maybe because it slowly wears off?), and it is only in my forehead, neck, and face. It is so weird because my hands, feet, and armpits are still dry but my forehead, neck, and face now start to sweat moderately-to-slightly intense when triggered by heat or anxiety or a combination of both. So somehow, from my observation, the Robinul is still doing its job somehow with my hands, feet, and armpits but I am getting a bit of increased sweating later on in the day in my head area. Wanted to see if anyone has any experience with this or they are just really dry?

Don't get my wrong, even with this increased facial sweating every now and then, Robinul has still been a godsend where now maybe 3 out of 5 days in classes I am dry instead of 0 out of 5 days.

The 4mg though still isn't enough to keep my hands dry if I get anxious in an AC'd environment, drink caffeine, or wait long enough in a hot climate interestingly. Like sometimes when I volunteer to speak in lectures, my hands start to sweat when they were initially dry. Was thinking of experimenting to 6mg daily just because it is still hot here in Texas.


Well-known member
Perhaps it's just that it is now in fact possible for you to notice other parts of your body sweating now that your hands, armpits and feet are dry most of the time? Ionto is working for me (hands and feet) and earlier all I could think of was hiding my sweaty hands or armpits. Now that I don't have to focus on that, I can actually notice other parts of my body sweating as well. Afterall, HH is all over and usually not just specific parts.