Dealing with manipulative people


Well-known member
My SIL recently told me she manipulates people & situations and enjoys it. I live with her (part of the deal when she and my brother divorced & I watch the kids) anyhow, she's called me an 'omega' female while she is the 'alpha' female. She does lessons with school children about anti-bullying, gender issues, LGBTQ, to name a few. I feel her admitting to manipulating people she too can kind of be categorized as bully in a way, idk. So it's like she's hypocritical by teaching kids anti bullying.

My question is, what is good advice to handle a manipulator?

I know the psychology 101 of it, and realize I put myself in situation when agreeing to live with/help with kids - though at time I did NOT know the manipulation part.

Many thanks in advance. :)
I don't want to seem like I am troll or something (okay, I admit, I am trolling a little bit on this one), but, according to me, there is no better way in dealing with bullies than a good kick in the nuts!

More seriously, you could just have a serious conversation with her about it, you are adults after all.

Personally, I like to make them think that they're having the upper hand and that I am at their mercy, when actually, this isn't true.


Well-known member
ignore....simple the fact is that you have people who are not for or against people so they assume that every one is a good person and they take a neutral stance. It is easy for a girl to be ultimately submissive, and enjoy the company of men, at the same time, while others want the extra attention. I mean I was close to all these girls in college like no tomorrow but with certain peop