Did seeing a doctor, a psy or prescribe pills ever help anyone?


Well-known member
For those who did it or are doing it, would you recomend it to anyone? I have always been skeptical about it and doubt I would do it myself. I preder self-therapy


Well-known member
it can help if they are going to do cbt. make sure the therapist/doctor has experience dealing with anxiety disorders, you'd be surprised how many don't.

you dont need someone just giving you pills and asking how you feel. you need to do cbt and exposure therapy.


Well-known member
i would suggest atleast trying it the once you dont have to do it if you dont want to, better to know then always wonder about it

im actually going to the doctors tomorrow morning, first time ever going. im ****ting myself, kinda dont wanna go now lol


New member
I spent most of my teen years visiting doctors and psychologists and I can say neither have actually helped me overcome social anxiety/ APD.. they've just told me what I already knew, no solution to overcome it.
I have no interest in visiting another one, and I don't want to start taking medication for fear of what other health problems they may trigger.
The only other thing I can think of that may help would be hypnotherapy, and I have no idea how much that would cost or if it would even work:/


Well-known member
I think it depends on the person. What works for me, might not work for you. Some people don't see results in therapy or medication. Personally, I believe in both. You only get what you put into it tho. I would look online for a therapist who specializes in what your target problems are. I talked to a few on the phone before I decided who I wanted to see. Maybe that's something you could do too.

If you try it and its not something you want to continue then you just stop but I think its worth a shot.


Well-known member
I've seen many different therapists and for the most part all they do is talk to you for a few minutes and then give you pills. I say you should give it a try only because the mental health field is much bigger than just doctors. They can help you find jobs, help you go back to school, find you CBT groups, get you free trips to Canada's wonderland, get you free trips to basketball games, etc. If it wasn't for my social worker, I wouldn't have a job right now.


Well-known member
I think just talking can really help. You need someone to support you through each difficult step you make. I realised no one can help me. So I had to help myself and all I need is to be motivated. It's not easy and I do feel absolutely unstable at times. Sometimes I'm happy, next minute I want to die, then I feel ugly and all of a sudden I get angry.

Doctors and the psychiatric community are clueless. Yay let's throw pills at the problem and hope something magical occurs...


Well-known member
I think just talking can really help. You need someone to support you through each difficult step you make. I realised no one can help me. So I had to help myself and all I need is to be motivated. It's not easy and I do feel absolutely unstable at times. Sometimes I'm happy, next minute I want to die, then I feel ugly and all of a sudden I get angry.

Doctors and the psychiatric community are clueless. Yay let's throw pills at the problem and hope something magical occurs...

That's pretty much how I see it. One of sjould become a doctor or a psy, to trully help people


Well-known member
Well, if you can't seem to do it alone-- there's really only one other option, isn't there?

I personally prefer therapists over psychologists.
There's alot more discussing your feelings and how to get out of the repeated thought processes-- and alot less; 'try this drug! now, try this one!'
Much more discussion on different treatments and living healthier as a whole.


Well-known member
I take Welbrutin for depression, hasn't done much, I need a friend! That's the only thing that will make me happy. If not, nothing will.