Does anyone else's SA symptom go an and off randomly?


I have some pretty evident SA symptoms at times like the seizing up of the throat, palpitations, and especially the tearing up of the eyes. The odd thing is that these symptoms are usually present when I'm in a certain emotional/mental state that seem to randomly take hold me. Often times I can go an entire day without experiencing any symptoms or thoughts of SA, but the next morning I can wake up and have this strong feeling of inadequacy that bogs me down the entire day, making my interactions with people extremely strained and painful. Has anyone else experienced this on and off pattern of SA? Sometimes I can be feeling great and my mind can just switch to SA-mode with no notice, and sometimes I can feel like the slightest eye contact with anyone would kill me, but my mind would just suddenly alleviate all feelings of SA again with no reason. What do you make of this?

PS. Tearing of the eyes is very seldom mentioned as a symptom of SA, but I find it to be my primary symptom and cause of concern when interacting with people. My eyes tear up with the feeling of me almost bursting to tears around people whenever I am in one of those "periods" of SA I mentioned before.