Don't Want To Go Home


Well-known member
I need some ideas of things to do before going home. Home is like a jail cell I lock myself in and distract myself in a virtual world of video games and TV. It's a very depressing place for me.

Right now I'm at college, rather than going straight home after here, what are some places or things I could do where I could possibly meet some people?

Anything but going home, weekends are hell for me.


Well-known member
Arent there some parties on Fridays at your college?

Maybe you could to to one of these


Well-known member
I don't like parties much to begin with and to me frats and sororities are one of mans worst creations...


Well-known member
I don't know where you're from, but all parties here are all about drinking, drugs, and sex. A combination I wouldn't want to be around even if I wasn't a shy kid.


not actually Fiona Apple
You could try the gym or some sort of athletic thing, like kick-boxing or something. Maybe some other group meeting. If you want to do something on campus I'm sure there is a lot of stuff.


Well-known member
Libraries, poetry evenings, art exhibitions or eg exhibitions of herbs or fruit, farmers market, book club, eco club, artsy club...? Volunteering/non-profits...

Hiking groups.. Sometimes there are cool events at health food stores or book stores or cafes too.. Specific fairs or markets.. Anime conventions.. SF conventions, Renaissance fairs.. (it seems you have more interesting things in the US than we do here locally..) Conferences.. (on what interests you)

Courses (language courses, cooking class, drama workshops, singing lessons, how to repair your car, massage course... martial arts.. dancing classes.. ice skating classes :D sewing classes/craft groups)

Depends on your interests and what is available locally...? And how much money you have to spend on this/if any..?


Well-known member
I mean yeah, but, I never know how to find out about these kinds of things. Well, I'll see if I can find any club here at my school that interests me.

For now, I'm still on campus until I get upset and just go home.


Well-known member
Hm, okay, so the trouble is to find info on these things...

Right now is maybe too late to plan for today, next time try to plan ahead. So try to find something for the weekend or next week?
(It would help to know if you live in a city or smaller town or rural area, and what your interests are... And do you just want to find something for Friday/weekend afternoons or evenings, or mid-week too?)

Is there a tourist office in your city/town? Usually they give out info of what is happening each month..

Have you checked the websites of your college and campus (and dorm) and student radio or such? Some cities (or maybe colleges too?) even have magazines with events or a section in the magazines..

Is there a college info office or youth community center or something like that? These may have posters and brochures too.. Youth hostels can have some brochures, flyers and info too.. And libraries, book stores and health stores can have stuff pinned on the walls or flyers to take home..

There can be 'info points', or places with posters (maybe on your way to a restaurant/cafeteria or such?) There may even be posters or flyers in/outside the cafeteria or in some cafes.. There may even be events at the cafeteria (for example travel presentations, eg people show slides of their travels.. I really liked those too..) Sometimes you can sign up for mailing lists and get events mailed into your inbox..

Where I live, students also get info/brochures of main activities available at the beginning of the school year..
And there are places you can call and ask, or go there and get info..

Do you listen to the radio? Some things can be announced there.. Some universities/colleges also have own newspapers/magazines and radio stations..

Also, roommates/flatmates/dorm neighbours or classmates can tell of any interesting things happening, or you can maybe go together.. It can help if you find people who have some of your interests and they can tell you about things they go to and maybe give recommendations..

It's relatively easy to find something happening in a city/bigger town.. Small towns/villages/rural areas can be more tricky.. (You can go to the nearest bigger town though...)
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