Exercise Induced Hyperhidrosis (HELP)


New member
I'm so glad I found this forum. Hopefully someone can help me. Below is my story. Sorry for the length, but I need to get this all out there.

So, I have exercised and stress induced hyperhidrosis. I'm 33. Optometrist. Healthy. No meds. No nothing. I am an introvert, INTJ to be precise. When I encounter patients that are extra talkative or annoying, sweating comes on--mostly the back and scalp. Nothing crazy, just spotty and kind of like a focal hot flash of heat that takes a while to resolve. My back is almost NEVER dry. Rarely drenched, but always damp and sometimes visible depending on the color dress shirt I wear.

Moving onto working out.... I am a huge runner. I love it, but when I run, I sweat more than a (fill in the blank with your favorite joke). The sweating is only from the chest and up, and 75% of it is the scalp. It's ridiculous. My headband after running just 3 miles can fill up a small cup. I EASILY sweat away 3-5 pounds after running just 30 minutes depending on the weather. I have completed 2 half marathons, and I want to improve my performance, but how if I sweat so much. My first half I ran, it was 25 degrees outside. 5 minutes into the run I was back to sweating bullets and despite HEAVY hydration, still cramped up at the end. I literally had to stop every few stations and refill my bottle. I use Nuun effervescent tablets in my running bottle and sometimes Saltstick electrolyte tablets during my runs, but still after I run so much, I can't keep up with the fluid loss. In spring I lose about 90 oz of sweat per hour (dead serious) running, but studies say that the body can only ABSORB about 58 oz of fluids per hour. That's a big difference!

After I run, vapors can be seen fuming from the top of my head. I literally look like I jumped in a swimming pool. I've consulted with my primary care and endo-had every test ran on me including electrolyte profile, hormones, testosterone, EKG, etc. Normal everything. Dermatologist recommended I try Bystolic 5mg, which does nothing whether I take it once or twice daily. He gave Oxybutin as an alternative but cautioned it, since running while on this would essentially cause me to overheat.

I feel that I have a thermoregulation issue, and none of my doctors care because it's nothing major or life threatening and "sweating is good for you"... So tired of hearing that. I'm not up for ETS because I have not seen any patients respond well to it. I do have white-coat syndrome and my normal bp of 120/80 will spike to 160/90 at the doctor. At which time I also have a damp stomach and back. This leads me to the conclusion that my hyperhidrosis is stress induced. I don't have any major anxiety or depression issues, but I'm wondering if anyone has had issues like mine and responded well to benzodiazepines or anti-depressants.

I feel like my case is a lost cause. I need a team of sweat scientists to figure me out... :crying:

Please help if you can.



Well-known member
Have you had this your entire life or is this a recent development? There really isn't much that can be done for the kind of HH you are experiencing. Oral meds is your only option which really isn't an option in your case. I wish I had some positive things to say that can steer you in a more helpful direction, but if you were to search this forum you'd most likely not find what you need. That's why I ask if this is something you had your entire life or a recent development.


New member
Had it all my life. The emotional part I think is just exaccerbated these days because Im aware of it. Vicious cycle... The fitness part has been there forever definitely. My history of cramping up and migraines during track and basketball way back in high school reflect it. Looking back, I had no idea.