Facebook Conversations


Well-known member
Hi guys,

I really need some help with this. I know a lot of people on here who've said that they are quite good at keeping online convos despite the fact that they're not so good in real-life social situations. I'm kind of the opposite. I'm obviously not great in real life situations either, but when i'm speaking face to face with someone i feel like it's more acceptable to be quiet and to be myself more. Any awkward silence will sort of be filled in one way or another. But online it feels less acceptable to me, and I actually feel anxious speaking to people online as well- are there any techniques that people on here use to help them with online conversations because i'd really like to get better at it.

I hardly ever speak to anyone on my facebook contacts, I never have the courage to begin a conversation and people hardly ever speak with me (because it always feels kind of awkward). So some help would be appreciated :)


I feel awkward too. Facebook is like being at work, making small talk, unless you go to a particular area of facebook...maybe an introvert page or something. I just post photos to my facebook account.


Well-known member
Facebook is just the conformist view of what socializing should be. I remember when the Internet first came everyone believed that everyone would have and make their own web page, their own design, bio, stats, activity, chat, instead we are run by what popular opinion tells us still, and if your not part of it then your left out. Its basic simplistic design is nothing without a popularity contest.


Well-known member
Why would you assume that everyone socializes the same way on facebook? Facebook is a tool. Like any tool, how you use it is largely up to you.

It doesn't mean that everyone on fb is the same a lot of people I know almost everyone uses it but yes that is still the idea that it's built on. If myspace was the thing to be on then people will go to that it just happened to be fb. And by simplistic I mean I could run it on my 486 comp from 20 years ago.


I think the point that needs to be made is that people are a lot like sheep...they go where everyone else goes.....


I have this exact same problem. I tend to make myself unavailable to my friends on Facebook. And I have the hardest time coming up with a conversation topic so I tend to close the tab when people try to talk to me.

The best thing you can to do is try and fail. and then, try again.

While browsing through the forums here, i came upon this thread and it gave me food for thought : http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/the-ultimate-act-of-avoidance-36191/

I am a poor conversationalist irl and online too. But this article really helped me on understanding interactions at a deeper level. Hope it works for you too.

How to Always Have Something Better to Talk About Than the Weather

And if all else fails.
use meme and funny pictures of lolcats.


Well-known member
I have this exact same problem. I tend to make myself unavailable to my friends on Facebook. And I have the hardest time coming up with a conversation topic so I tend to close the tab when people try to talk to me.

The best thing you can to do is try and fail. and then, try again.

While browsing through the forums here, i came upon this thread and it gave me food for thought : http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/the-ultimate-act-of-avoidance-36191/

I am a poor conversationalist irl and online too. But this article really helped me on understanding interactions at a deeper level. Hope it works for you too.

How to Always Have Something Better to Talk About Than the Weather

And if all else fails.
use meme and funny pictures of lolcats.

awesome article - thanks for posting

seriously one of the best things i've seen anyone post - great stuff

everyone read this
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Well-known member
Facebook chat is a terrible thing. I usually say I'll be right back to give myself a couple minutes to come up with something to say, but then get too nervous and just log off feeling very rude. Wish I had some advice to offer, but I'm still clueless on this myself.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I am better able to chat with strangers than chat with acquaintances. I am offline on fb chat. I imagine that if I were to chat with these acquaintances a lot of our convo would be on updating each other on our lives (not something I wanna do!)

I am a poor conversationalist irl and online too. But this article really helped me on understanding interactions at a deeper level. Hope it works for you too.

How to Always Have Something Better to Talk About Than the Weather

Ima take a look at that article. Thanks for posting!

And if all else fails.
use meme and funny pictures of lolcats.

Sometimes I don't know what to post on my updates, so I end up doing this a lot of the times :) I do realize though that a lot of people struggle with this and not just me. It makes me feel better.


Well-known member
I mostly don't chat on fb or anywhere and am usually 'offline' too :)

Often don't know what to talk about on FB either.. Sometimes it's just interesting to see what other people are up to, and then just comment there... Or maybe 'like' an interesting article or quote or a few... (Okay, I can go a bit overboard there, but it's a way of bookmarking things :)) Bookmarking this thread by posting in it too :) hope to read that article when I'm not so sleepy!! :)


Well-known member
I'm generally fine talking online, but if it's a more personal conversation, I won't share it publicly, as in real life. If someone posts something to my Facebook wall, I respond with a private message, and remove their post some time later. People soon get the idea.

I just don't use the chat.