Feel horrible going to the gym anymore


Active member
Today I am extremely depressed after going to the gym to workout. I feel awful that after a year of going there, i've never really talked to anyone. I shouldn't do this, but i'm always looking at other people and how they are talking to other people, laughing, smiling and I feel like a total loser. I try to smile and talk, but end up feeling so uncomfortable that I avoid being too close to people. I'm so sick of going through this, that today all I want to do is stay in my house and cry. I have no friends where I live, and i'm so scared that I will never make another friend. I try and do meet people, mostly online, and it doesn't work out. I'm always afraid that people find me weird, snobby, etc. and I try not to care about that but I do. I'm on new meds now, one is Paxil that supposedly helps social anxiety. I also found a social anxiety treatment facility an hour from where I live, but i'd have to take the bus and pay for that plus the groups and I cannot afford that since my brother is helping me financially. I don't know what to do anymore, i'm very scared. ::(:


Well-known member
Why do you go to the gym though? For me, this sounds like me at Uni. I hate not at least talking to someone in class. But I have to tell myself, I am not there to socialize. I am there to do my best with my studies. Friends can be distracting, anyway!!

You should go to workout for you, not others. I mean, how can you count your reps if someone is jabbering at you? I can't do that at all!:eek:

If you want to talk socially, make friends, and with people who understand some of what you are going through, you found a cool place to do that.

Welcome to the World!:)


I find talking to people at the gym to be even more difficult than other places because everyone there is so focused on their routines. Either the guys are staring at themselves in the mirror or the ladies have their headphones on. Your best bet might be to be part of some kind of class there I guess. You would start to see a lot of the same people which might make it easier to start small talk with them.


Well-known member
Yea, ditto what everybody is saying.

But I will add one thing. If you REALLY want to socialize in the gym, then your best bet is to hang around the basketball court and try to join a pick-up game/21/horse. It's a lot easier to socialize with basketball because it's a team-sport. I'm not that great at basketball (nor am I great at conversation) but I always manage to get asked to join something.

On the other hand, lifting weights and running are solo-sports and do not encourage socializing (unless you personally brought a friend with you to specifically socialize with). So if you're expecting people to go out of their way to talk to you, then you're setting yourself up for failure.


Well-known member
I've never gone to the gym because just the thought of it is too much to handle. I'd be terrified because of all the people & scared someone would start talking to me & send me into a panic. Plus, I'm so awkward in all situations as it is, I'd stand out like crazy at a gym.


Well-known member
Once in other forum I read a post of girl who had a perfect body. She said "I really do not understand people who go to gym and then talk on the cellphone or talk with others. Then how do they work out? I hate when someone tries to talk with me because then I cant work productively". I think she is right. Gym isnt for socializing but for working out. Serious people work not talk. Consider yourself serious!!
If your wanting a workout with some socializing, the gym the wrong place, people were right about taking classes, but martial arts is good way to achive what it seems you are looking for as well. There's times when your not allowed to talk, which makes it less awkward, but when your doing throws or self defense you have to communicate in order to do it right, plus its an intense workout. It the best thing I got!