Feel like the world's biggest loser today


Hi everyone. I'm just having one of those very depressing days,when I can't stop thinking about how totally crappy my life has been. I always try to have hope for the future,but i'm also very scared too. I feel so stupid for having been so scared all these years. I realize that I may not be the only one,but it sure feels like that to me. I'm going to be 30,and I feel more like a frightened little 12 yr old! Man,my mom really did a job with me,oh well. Sorry to bring anyone down. :cry:
Hey sorry you're having a bad day :(

Lots of people with SA feel afraid, and like they've wasted their lives, but until you learn to accept your life, and the way you've lived it so far, you'll be too busy focusing on the past, and you'll waste your future thinking about what you could have done before. The last thing you want to do is reach 40 and wish you hadn't spent so much time worrying about what you did when you were in your 20's.

Life is scary, but no matter what we do, tomorrow will always arrive (until you're not alive anymore anyway lol) and the only difference is, what we decide to do with that day. And if we screw up on that day, we can be safe in the knowledge, that chances are, we'll have tomorrow to try again, and do better.

Naomi x


Well-known member
forgot_name, you need to turn around. looking at the past can be useful in moderation - but (could-I-be-any-chessy-er) if you keep looking backwards you'll never be able to see where you are going.

and, :), 30 is the new 20.


Well-known member
forgot_name, I can relate to how you are feeling. I'm 26 and sometimes I can hardly believe how life has turned out for me and how old I am. I really feel as if I'm lacking such a lot of experiences, 'normal' people have had at my age.

When I was 15/16, I used to think that social phobia would somehow sort itself out on its own, and that in a few years time there was no way I was still going to be like this. One consolation is that for the last five years or so, I have been taking active steps to loosen the grip it has on me. I've also been so much self aware of how it controls my everyday life, and as a result, have been forcing myself to do things I would of otherwise never have done.