Find it hard to be myself around people


Well-known member
Its just really frustrating because Im pretty sure I come across as a bit fake and cold!

I just find it really hard. So lets say there are times when I feel confident in who I am- but when I am around certain types of people (mainly males) I either -over- egotise myself and come off really cold because I will talk short and fast and even lie on the spot about things to make me seem better.

I think the issue is the social skills more than the fear. To go up to a male and talk to him- (not a stranger) that in itself can be really hard- but to then find stuff to say, that is really hard and to maintain a conversation- and to listen.

Ive been getting quite depressed about this lately - because Ive been in situations quite a few lately where I have been talked over and ignored- and I cant help but think that is an insecurity thing that people can sense. And there are people around me that are charismatic social talkers- I wish I was!!

I just want to be able to be myself- regardless what others think - but have the social skils to back myself up.