Hard to put into words

This "unspecified problem" i have, which is i suppose one of my most major of all the multitide of problems i have, doesn't as yet have any name or label, but i can best describe it as such:
- Let things build RIGHT UP (daily aggravations, empty emotional tanks, various needs not met, ..)
- Don't believe there's any solution, short or long term (& not even temporary pacification, eg via "friends" of which i have none)
- Can't even discuss these "problems" pertaining to the feelings/etc online, on this site (unless i start a big ol' thread on it). It's like my feelings don't matter to nobody, and i need to have an ulterior purpose to such discussion, eg working on a "project" (thread). That is, i am unable to casually share my woes with anybody; maybe i have this dread of being attacked for it, i dunno.
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Well-known member
Sounds like you have several different problems instead of 1 big problem. Perhaps you can try tackling 1 problem at a time.
I've got many very significant problems. I suppose the above problem is akin to "being in a pit" (of misery/despair/hoplessness/etc) .. kind of like a depression. And when i "let" all my other (slightly) lesser problems build up, then they morph into this "BIG" problem, like a snowball. Once that stage is reached, then it's only natural that it's almost impossible for anyone else to help you get out of it. But then nobody EVER helps me out with even minor problems/issues i may have, say low mood (eg depressed about life).

I suppose due to life getting on top of me, or getting me down, that is when i think these types of hopeless thoughts the most. Usually i have at least a glimmer of hope & optimism about life (regardless of whether it's warranted or not).

So, once i reach this "in a deep rut" point, then it will take a fair amount of misery & time to get out of it. Can't prevent it really, but can get out of it (slowly). And then try hard(er) to not let myself get so far down ... if that's possible.

This unspecified (or complex) problem, might well be consistuted simply of a number of smaller problems? Perhaps the following?
- self-persecution complex (seem to need to punish self endlessly; "no rest for the wicked"; allow very little relaxtion/joy/etc)
- procrastination (for various reasons, i don't address problems when they are small, only when they are big & urgent)
- constantly irritable (which the constant stream daily aggravations helps to maintain)
- empty emotional tanks (eg social)
- various other needs not met (eg exercise, sunlight, proper rest)
- my feelings/needs don't seem to matter in this life (my parents have been the main people to teach me this)


Well-known member
With the exercise one you've got to get out and do it. A process of cajoling, I'll take it easy and see how I feel. I find the first 5-10 minutes hard, then after that I'm glad I did it.

Of course with needs/feelings the important thing is that they matter to you. A while back I made a promise to keep trying because I care.


Well-known member
I think you should start small, achieve the low hanging fruits first and gradually work your way up to tackling the bigger, harder problems. Even if you must do it in baby steps, at least you will be making progress.