Has SocialPhobiaWorld helped your SA?

Has SocialPhobiaWorld helped your SA?

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Well-known member
I can't say it has done miracles for me, because getting over the SA itself is something I need to work on. However, this site has helped me a ton as far as understanding it goes. I understand a lot more now what I go through and why I do. I'm not as confused by my emotions, symptoms, etc. now as I was before. Also, this site has helped me open up more. Well at least on here, and to receive that kind of support and advice from you wonderful people is great. I thank each and every one of you. :)


Well-known member
I voted unsure,it has helped even a bit with my SA but it did helped me get over some nasty depressions in fact the reason why I joined the forum was the biggest depression I ever had in my life,also it made me feel overall better and a bit more optimistic.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I said unsure. It hasn't made me less socially anxious, but it is helpful to have a place where people understand and where I can post stuff related to SA and know that others think and feel a similar way.


New member
Yes, knowing that there's a name for the condition and you're not the only one suffering from it has already done wonders. I only hope I had found the site sooner :/


Well-known member
I agree with everyone. It hasn't cured my SA completely, that's something I've to do myself. But just knowing that there're people out there who understand is a huge help for me. There're some great people here that give valuable advice and make feel better when I'm down. I can also vent here without being judged.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone. It hasn't cured my SA completely, that's something I've to do myself. But just knowing that there're people out there who understand is a huge help for me. There're some great people here that give valuable advice and make feel better when I'm down. I can also vent here without being judged.

Same here :) So many awesome people here.


Well-known member
This site helps me with the effects that SA and my other problems have on me as a whole that just make me miserable. It helps me to be positive because here's a real community of people that I wouldn't find elsewhere that I can somehow in someway coexist with and express myself and communicate. Even if interaction isn't the best, it is enough for me to help me..

If I may add, as well as there being very nice people here,
The user interface design is very good! Compared to the other Social anxiety sites, the Homepage with the New posts listed in one line only is the bomb! The chatbox is cool too.. eventhough no one chats there anymore :(
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Well-known member
At first there seemed to be somewhat of a backwards effect because I took the label and used it as an excuse. But the last year or two SPWorld has really helped me a lot, taught me a lot about people, inferiority and how common it is, the term Social Anxiety and all that it means (as well as avoidant personality types), methods of facing fears, and most importantly a community of people who feel most similar to how I do most of the time. It is the most helpful when there is a job to hold down, or school. I <3 you guys


Well-known member
Not really. To be completely honest with you,there have been a few times when ive actually felt so happy only to come on here and have a dark cloud instantly hang over me. Its great when im feeling down but when im happy I kinda try my best to stay clear.
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Well-known member
Some threads have definately helped me a bit and gave me better understanding and insight. Some posts have given me great inspiration and help.

But I believe there is also a time that I need to let go of this site and stop coming here and I feel all of us need to eventually. If I keep focussing on and discussing SA and depression I feel like I will just feed the addiction to those mindsets.


Well-known member
The site itself, as in threads and discussion, not really.

Some people in here, yes, a lot. I've improved a lot, I've had both good and bad experiences. I've enjoyed the good ones and learned from the bad ones.

Right now my anxiety is much, much, much better but I'm still fighting with depression. I still have to learn how to live without worrying to much abou others. Not as in what others think of me but as in what they do to me.

I won't say names (and some have even left) but some people have had a really important presence in my life and my heart in this past year and I will never forget that.

EDIT: it helped me get the motivation to get better, but I was the one who had to work to get better. WE are the ones who have to work for ourselves. This is just for support, just like therapy. They can show us some ways to get better but in the end it's ourselves who have to work.
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Well-known member
No, if I'm honest i think it made it worse, because this is a like a bunker i can always come to and here are many other sufferers who tell their sad stories.

I like this forum very much, because here are nice people and i can express my feelings, but at the same time i know i should avoid it, or atleast spend much less time on it. I'm kinda obsessed. don't get me wrong.


Well-known member
No, not really

What is has helped me with is realising that my issues don't only belong to me, and that other people sometimes has solutions that helped me a lot, even though I do not always give credit to these people. I still delete most of the comments I make without posting them.


Well-known member
Yes. First, there was the comfort of knowing that I'm not the only one who's like this and then, it made me realize that I don't wanna be like a lot of people here. It made me wanna beat this thing even more.


Well-known member
It is an outlet and I feel recognized, so yes, slightly. Additionally, I find it incredibly sad that so many people feel like I do or worse.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I voted "unsure" because that is usually how I feel about everything. This place was great at first because it made me aware of this problem, and I got to meet people who go through the same issues as myself, and all that made me feel less alone. But at the same time it makes me focus more on all the things that are wrong with me and I don't know what to do with all those feelings. That is how I used to feel in therapy: I would talk about all these painful things and leave crying, there were just no solutions. I agree that at the end of the day we are the ones that have to do the work to take back control of our lives. But overall, my experience here has been more positive than negative and will keep coming back :)