Having add and anxiety feels like this..

Self diagnosed add, anxiety, social anxiety, avoidant, depressed...

I sometimes feel like at sometimes my racing mind flees my body and it's left on autopilot going through its expected motions of sleep, wake up, shower, drive, work, drive, watch tv, sleep.

My mind races but not in a way that makes sense at all, it's too fast, like tazmanian devil whooshing around blurping out sounds.

My body is constantly tense it feels like I'm 75. I'm 28. It hurts and aches and my trapezius is like cement all of my stress is in my shoulders.

I never have time to reflect I can't make time my mind buzzes too much and it's too hard to slow down even when I'm sitting staring for the answers on facebook or tv screen for 3 hours before sleep.

I used to like things like art, walking, bike riding, hiking but it is too exhausting to try to focus on anything other than external distraction.

I had friends but am too hyper focused on my lonliness I don't know how to talk how to engage how to ask someone about themselves sincerely and listen to their response because I think they think something mist be wrong with me for being too nervous or why am I blushing soo awkward.. it's better to avoid someone I recognize from a distance when out in public.

I have spent sooo much money trying to find happiness in things. I would always take on a new interest all of the time and needed to buy this and that to do it all but when I tried to do the things it's too exhausting and I don't have the energy to and now I have a house full of stuff that doesn't matter.


Well-known member
Yes - can def relate to most of what you have written. I guess the only advice is that to find whatever it may be , how ever small - something that can try to relax you. But it's hard in the midst of full blown anxiety. Sometimes I just give in to it and allow myself to have this awesome full blown out terrifying heartbreaking emotional anxiety attack - where my breathing is so laboured and all those horrible thoughts go round and round - by the time I exhaust myself - I actually feel a small sense of euphoria as I've released all that 'stuff' and then I usually will sleep!

You aren't alone.