Heart palpitations/Almost fainted/Abnormally high anxiety?


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I have anxiety on a constant basis, even more so when I'm at college. I'm used to it's presence and I can usually control it. Today however I stepped into my classroom and my heart just I don't know went completely berserk. It's never ever in all my life been this bad. It was painful, fast, my chest felt tight and hurt, I felt sick, and it drained all my energy. After 10 minutes of trying to keep my cool and doing what I normally do to calm myself, I had a heart palpitation. I usually have at least one or two in a row and that's it, but today I had at least 5 or 6. This resulted in me being unbelievably close to fainting. My vision went, my breath hitched and I was fully prepared to fall off the chair. If it had lasted even a split second longer I would have hugged the floor.
Luckily it didn't and it honestly genuinely surprised me because I was that close.
The hammering painful heartbeats still continued immediately after however.

I got taken home shortly after and I have zero energy left and my heart is still going, but it's at it's usual pace. My chest still feels tight and I feel a little queasy though.

I just I don't know what happened? It's never gotten this bad. Is it the heat? It's 29 degrees C where I am right now.