Hey! What's your Part-time, Full-time Job?


Well-known member
Hey, just wondering what kind of jobs people here have. Because I'm trying to find one and I have some reservation.

Such as: If I get a job in security, am I only running from social situations? If I get a job at a call centre, will I be able to handle it? Will I be able to face the customers every day if I get a retail job?

So, I'm just wondering what kind of jobs you guys have just to give me an idea, Thanks.


Well-known member
my full-time job (on hold right now, i'm on medical leave temp.) is in the high stress..not so great paying coffee shop business. I work in an extremely busy coffee shop..lots of customer service 8O ..drive-thru, so very fast-paced, short exchange with each customer, but not what i would really choose to be doing right now :wink:


Active member
i work part-time on checkouts in a supermarket

it can be a little stressful at times but i'm able to just get on with it

it's only temporary anyway while i'm on a year out after uni

i'll be looking for another job come the summer

no idea what to apply for though!

as for you (and me as well i guess), i reckon the ideal job is to find something with the right balance

i know personally that if i'm around people too much i just find it very draining

yet if you hide away it probably won't help your confidence/self-esteem

unless maybe you balance it out with doing stuff out of work

so yeah, something in the middle is probably what i'd suggest :wink: