Highs and lows of anxiety


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Lately, I've been almost on auto-pilot because I'm so busy. In a way, it's nice, because I don't stop long enough to get anxious most of the time, I just do what I need to do.
Yesterday in a class, we were working in groups. I talked to the other two people in my group just fine. Then, the instructor asked our group to answer a question we had not prepared for, and I answered it because the other two looked like they didn't want to. I was quite proud.:applause:
However, today, I need to call to reschedule an appointment. I have to call today, because it is scheduled for Monday. I am having trouble getting up the nerve to call.
I'm also still slightly anxious at the job I've had for the past six months--mostly because I'm not as familiar with processes as everyone else, and even if I'm told how to do something, if it's a rare occurance, I forget before it happens the next time. Since this is in the field I want to go into, I want to be as comfortable as possible.
I'm glad that I'm making progress on my anxiety, but wish that it were more consistent with everything in my life...


Well-known member
I would be really proud of myself if I were you. Those are big accomplishments. Group work is terrifying, as is answering questions in class. It sounds like you'll find the resolve to make that call, and you'll become more and more comfortable at your job.


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Last night in class, we worked in groups of 3. I felt pretty good about talking to the other two in my group (who are clearly very outgoing--I have heard them talk in class a lot). I realized that if I spoke up first, it was easier, since sometimes, what I want to say is already said by someone else, then I feel dumb because I have nothing else to contribute. When our group was supposed to answer our question to the class as a whole, I reluctantly presented the answer, because, surprisingly, the other two did not say anything. I had this same instructor for a class in the Spring, and missed a couple of classes because of anxiety. I contacted him, and he talked to me (he used to be a counselor--he is now a college Psych professor) and allowed me to stay in that class (I got an A). So, he knows my background and that I am uncomfortable in situations like that. I've noticed he doesn't call on me to answer questions in class, which is probably because he knows about my anxiety.


Well-known member
I am very happy for you :) well done. It's so important to focus on the progress.
In rare instances where I did such things, speaking first really is the key. It eradicates nerves and you don't feel silly for 'not saying' anything.


Well-known member
Congrats on being able to talk effectively to your group-mates and on answering the question. It's funny how anxiety works. Sometimes it can almost seem nonexistent to the point where I question whether I even still have it. Then the next day or a few hours later, it reveals itself in full form, leaving no doubt that it is still with me. I'm sure you will be able to make that phone call. Keep fighting and being positive. You should be proud of yourself.


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Today has been kind of rough. I went to my first class of the day, but skipped the second to work on something for the third. I regret this, since apparently I didn't need to do anything for the third class (actually, meeting one-on-one with the instructor). That went very well, so my anxiety had subsided briefly. Now, I am freaking out about an assignment for my online class due tonight (as in, less than two hours). I should've started on this days ago, but didn't, and am now feeling the effects. I am very anxious at the moment. The assignment issue is compounded by the fact that I also need to clean my house because my landlord informed me today that the furnace will be checked out tomorrow. I am very self-conscious about my house (I am a child of hoarders). What's really weird is that I realize tomorrow, after the assignment is due and the furnace has been inspected, neither of these things will be an issue anymore, so I won't be anxious about them. It's just the time in between that is sucking.


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Sometimes if I don't prepare myself mentally to do something that normally requires some level/degree of interaction and socialization, I will start feeling anxious just about doing it. This happens to me a lot when I'm going in for an appointment to see my psych; it's actually not as bad as it use to be, but I still get nervous with the whole idea of having to sit in a room full of people including my doctor and talk for about 20 minutes (well it's not all me talking I actually do most of the listening, but it is just being there that makes me nervous.) What really makes it hard for me to feel comfortable socializing with people is that I don't get enough blood and oxygen to the frontal part of my head, and that's the case with a lot of people who can't stay concentrated in social situations or keeping conversations going. I am happy that you were the one that spoke up, it takes some confidence in yourself and overcoming doubt and second guessing to be able to stand up and speak up like that. Good for you! I wish I had more advice for you, I just find that when you feel nervous or anxious about cancelling or changing something over a phone the best thing to do is just take a deep breath, dial the numbers, take another deep breath, and just get it over with. I know that's easier said then done though.


Well-known member
I am pretty anxious at the moment...which is stupid, because I am anxious over an online class, so it's not like I have to talk to anyone. Fortunately, I am currently doing pretty well, so even if I don't do the current assignment (due in about 1 hour, and I haven't read the book), I will probably still do okay in the class, so I should probably just stop stressing and focus on doing better on the rest of the assignments...instead I am drinking wine and freaking out...


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Lately at work, I have been getting very anxious. Unfortunately, I have felt like this mostly while covering breaks for the people in the position above me (which I want to learn and move up to within the next year). The fact that I face these experiences with dread is an indication that I am not ready for that job. I am concerned that I am not going to be able to handle the responsibility required. Hopefully I will overcome this in time, but realize that it is not a realistic expectation in the near future. Oddly, I have thought that with experience, I would become more comfortable and get prepared to take over the role.


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So...over the past couple of years, I have felt better, but every once in a while, I get incredibly anxious. Fortunately, this usually is still a lower level of anxiety than I previously experienced, but it is still very uncomfortable, and to some degree, paralyzing. Right now, I am anticipating a phone call (at least I assume someone is going to call me--we have emailed and I gave her a 2 hour window of time that I am available this morning). I hope she calls soon and that we don't talk too long, because I have a lot to do, and not much time to get it done today. I am afraid to start working on anything (or even shower) for fear that I will miss the phone call.

So I sit and wait...

And hope that I wasn't supposed to call her instead...


Well-known member
Today is a bad day for my anxiety...I was not prepared for my first class, so I didn't go, and I had planned on going to my second class, but it is too late now...I just feel like crying and I don't know why...ugh...
Maybe this afternoon will be better...
And tomorrow is another day.
I just wish I wasn't still playing "catch up" on life...


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I am almost done with school, which is nice, but I am finding myself avoiding class, which could be somewhat detrimental, but, as the instructors do not punish students for absences, I won't necessarily suffer grade-wise. My anxiety is very high on days that I am scheduled to have class (such as today), so I tend to not go (like today)...
Going back is going to be hard considering how much I have missed, but it is a short-term thing that will be over soon...it's really hard to think in those terms in the moment, though.


Well-known member
Today is pretty bad...I had an assignment due, and finished it, but it took longer than I expected, so I missed class, but took the assignment to the instructor's office. I have not been in class lately, so I worry that will affect my grade...
Debating whether or not to contact the instructor...