How awkward is being at work for you socially?


Well-known member
I worked at 2 stores which were my only jobs and I was always quiet usually...Not a good way for an employee to be but I was just stocking shelfs but was still required to ask/help people if they need anything was nerve racking and I never got over it and figured it would help me get over my S.A apparently not lol!


Well-known member
Yeah, work can get pretty awkward sometimes... I never talk to anyone unless I need to ask how to do something (I'm a new hire and still being trained on a lot of things) or if someone else asked me questions...

Something happened last week that was especially awkward for me though. In front of everyone, one of my coworkers asked if I was afraid of them because I never talked to anyone and said something about how I'm probably loud when I'm with my friends, which I replied with "I'm always this quiet" and she asked me if I even had any friends here and I said "no, but I have a couple back home" and then she asked how long I'd been living here... "Two years"


Well-known member
My job is pretty easy and scripted. I deliver flowers to people and clean up the flower shop when I'm not delivering flowers. I can communicate with my boss on a reasonable level.

I'm going to have to find full time work in the next year though. We'll see how that goes. I kind of wish I can find a job where I can make friends, but I've wanted that in the past and often failed. I always get scared and don't want to talk to people.


Well-known member
My job is done on an individual basis, so I don't really have co-workers per se. I do have to interact with the higher-ups sometimes, though, and in those cases I try to be business casual around them. I especially am being more like that nowadays, because perhaps I can get full-time work from them after graduation.


Well-known member
In the beginning, I didn't want to associate with my co-workers and I think that has made them form a negative opinion of me. I always dreaded break times because there is only one room and we all have to take our breaks at the same time.I have since opened up and become more sociable but I think they still have that persona when with me. I will always be the quiet type with them :(

They don't start conversations with me. I always have to initiate and quite frankly I'm getting tired of it.


New member
I find my self being very ackward around people. I know that they have an issue with me but they are not telling me. Always talking around me, I know I have some kind of issue. But no health insurance , makes my anxiety and stress ten times more and job sitution isnt any better. I wish they just be straight forward with me. I walked out of a job because I couldnt take the talk people were doing. I am trying to stick out a job, because I have a daughter and tons of bills that need to be paided. ugh does this ever get easier... ::(:


I HATE calling people I don't know lol does anybody else have this issue?? Id much rather email or write a letter than pick up the phone and speak to a stranger. Sometimes they can be really helpful and sweet but other times they can be really rude and aggressive.

Also, most of the time I'm chasing debtors and asking them to pay up lol which is an awkward situation at the best of times, but when people get all defensive instead of putting them straight, I just end up apologizing and trying to get off the phone asap. Thankfully, its only part of my job or I'd definitely get fired for being so rubbish lol!

Any tips for dealing with difficult or aggressive strangers??


Well-known member
I HATE calling people I don't know lol does anybody else have this issue?? Id much rather email or write a letter than pick up the phone and speak to a stranger. Sometimes they can be really helpful and sweet but other times they can be really rude and aggressive.

Same here. Not that I was expecting them to be particularly hostile, but I wanted to reset my online banking password over the weekend and it said I should call the bank to confirm a few details - no other options - needless to say I didn't to it and my password remains unknown.


Well-known member
Very awkward, constantly nervous about what to do, what to say, where to stand/sit... Awful.


Well-known member
This topic came up during my one year evaluation. It was an area that needs improvement, according to my supervisor and boss.

This job has forced me to be the most social I have ever been in my life. I guess, it's not good enough.

I'm just really awkward! I explained how being social is a struggle for me. She understands, but my boss wants me to become more vocal in meetings.

It's hard to be vocal when you're trying not to shake, and your throat feels like it's going to swell shut lol. Sitting in the room with all my coworkers is the scariest thing ever.:confused:


Well-known member
I'm not so awkward with the people I work with since we're all around the same age, but when customers ask me things or try to talk, I never know what to say and end up saying something really stupid.


New member
It seems like many people here have more struggle talking and having something to say -- something I don't struggle with , but my issue is more actually making EYE CONTACT .. ohh my gosh .. I get panicky when I have to make eye contact .. I start feeling scared I'm looking scared, and so it goes till co-worker maybe looks a bit scared because of my looks probably.. and the this bad cycle strengthens itself.. anyone who can relate and maybe have any ideas as to how to deal with this symptom? I would say that if I could get rid of this eye contact avoidance I would be 80% cured.. hmmm