How do you deal with rude office mates?


Well-known member
I was recently promoted as supervisor and now handles a team of my own. I am having problems with some of my team mates because they seem rude to me and there were times i feel that they are not listening to what i was saying (specially during meetings). Any suggestions or ways that I could somehow iron things out with them?


Well-known member
Talk to each one separately and find out what the problem is. Show your willing to take suggestions and work together.

Kindness can go a long way but you don't want to a pushover either. Better to speak your mind so you are more effective. They will respect you more.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Ignore their pettiness.

Its very difficult to be work friends and someones boss at the same time. First and foremost you must do your job. If people are being rude and not listening during meetings you must call them out.

A good way to do this is if people are talking among themselves while you are trying to discuss work matters, you can simply stop what you are doing and wait.

After a short while everyone will stop and look at why you have stopped. You can then say 'I'm just waiting for (eg) Mark and Geoff to finish. Are you finished guys? because we have work matters to attend to and we need everyone to listen in.'

The next phase in dealing with people like these is to call them in to your office or a private area and talk to them about their behavior, but make sure you call them in SEPARATELY. Warn them that unless they improve their behavior you will have to escalate the matter to your superior.

This may seem harsh, but you simply MUST have a no nonsense attitude here. You MUST show them you will not stand for their pettiness. You are their supervisor.

As I said, it's difficult being buddy buddy's with work colleagues and be their supervisor but it can be done. You simply must get their respect first though.

Good luck.