How Do You Feel About Hugging?


Well-known member
I generally like getting a hug. I don't initiate them until someone has hugged me twice first before. There's this kind of weird thing on my campus called "hug day." A couple of strangers hold signs saying hug me or free hugs I think. I avoid them because I don't know them and they would probably freak out if I tried to hug one of them. They even have a Facebook page so yeah don't want a picture of me giving someone an uncomfortable hug. I don't know if they're doing to actually be nice or to look that way to put on their resume or something.


Active member
I like hugs if its from friends or my crush.. I usually don't give hugs I'm the one who gets hugged. I think hugs are awkward if its someone you don't really know, a family relative you don't see much, or someone who is a complete stranger.



And, there is something about having hearts so close. Biologically, chemically, nothing is happening. But the heart, the one that isn't there but is there and felt, warm and fuzzies.

Erm, maybe the warm and fuzzies is a chemical reaction?

Well, hugging certainly does have some kind of reaction whether its chemicsl or something else. To be honest, I am not a good hugger (especially with strangers). But I enjoy hugging loved ones that I haven't seen in a super long time or when I am going away fron them. Maybe I am better at displaying emotion than I think.


Well-known member
I grew up in a home that wasn't very affectionate. My best friend doesn't care much for physical contact. As a result, I learned at a young age to keep to myself.

Sadly, this caused me to be unable to express myself.

That being said, I hated hugs for a very long time. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't let anyone touch me physically in any way.

Recently I've opened up to someone, and discovered that hugs can be enjoyable. (Meaning I only hug one person. :kickingmyself:)


Well-known member
I used to love hugging. When I was a child I hug my best friend after school is over. I hug my parents and mother's relatives a lot (but never my dad's relatives, I never see them hug each other for some reason, they're more strict and quarrelsome). But now that I've grown older hugging became an "embarassing" thing that mostly kids do with their parents to alleviate fear and anxiety. Now occasionally I participate in "adult hugs" which are not as warm or friendly as the kid ones. "Adult hugs" consist of me putting one arm around the other person's shoulder, and that's pretty much it.


Well-known member
Now occasionally I participate in "adult hugs" which are not as warm or friendly as the kid ones. "Adult hugs" consist of me putting one arm around the other person's shoulder, and that's pretty much it.
It depends on who you're hugging. You would hug a partner differently to your siblings, for example.

Partner hugs are the best thing ever.
hug from my partner is the best thing in the world, love hugs from him. I don't mind my mum and dad hugging me but I feel awkward when someone I don't know hugs me, or someone I've not seen in a long time, and hugs from the opposite sex are a big no no for me, only my partner I want hugs from.
I don't receive hugs from other men unless they just lost a loved one, then it's more of a pat on the back one-armed. My kids hug me and thats ok but friends and random people- forget it! Over the weekend my wife's best friend was having an emotional day and came to the house here to talk to my old lady but I was the only one home. We talked on the front porch and she hugged me before she left but normally I don't do hugs.


Well-known member
I don't mind a hug greeting, prefer it to a cheek kiss trendy greeting as it's less complicated, but I don't initiated them because of the whole fear of rejection thing. In terms of proper hugs I can only do that with boyfriends, with everyone else it's more of a token arms around but body not properly touching hug. Don't even do proper hugs with my parents, maybe due to upbringing.
On a related matter I have noticed that I freak out a bit when people are tactile with me out of the blue, it's not that I mind them touching me, I'm kind of honored in a way, but I freeze and can't help looking at their hand which might be on my shoulder or something, in my head I'm thinking 'act normal, act normal!, this is totally fine' but of course they withdraw their hand quite sharpish once they've noticed my unintended response :giggle:


I don't like hugging strangers too much as a greeting. I do like hugging someone I love but more a girlfriend than family.


Active member
i hate hugging... i guess.. a hug from the opposite sex (depending on who it is) might be ok, if not a little uncomfortable. my love interest would be the only one i would actually enjoy a hug or any other form of intimacy...


It depends on the person.

If I have a close friend or when I've been in relationships I'm alright with it. For the most part though I don't like it.


Well-known member
Saw a very uncomfortable hugging incident the other day. This guy was meeting up with this couple at the mall by where I work. He and the woman hugged with no problems. But it looked like the husband didn't quite know what to do. The guy tried to shake hands with him while the husband went in for a full hug. The guy backed away, still attempting to shake hands. The husband continued to try for a hug. They finally all laughed nervously and continued on with their meeting. Made my anxiety level go up just seeing that.


Well-known member
I hate being hugged by my family, distant family is even worse, sometimes its okay but not every often. I love when other people give me hugs, most of the time. :)