How do you handle stress?


Well-known member
Lately I've been really stressed from school, especially this past few weeks. I'm honestly not sure how to handle this. I'm starting to get some headaches and my energy is just low. I'm constantly worrying about things and my grades are starting to drop. I doubt I'll be able to finish this semester if this keeps going on. How do y'all handle your stress? Any tips or advice would be nice.



Well-known member
The best way to handle stress is to exercise and burn off the excess adrenaline. Go to the gym. Workout at home. Any kind of exercise will help. Go for a long walk. Especially in a scenic atmosphere.

If you really need something in the meantime, go to your doctor and maybe he'll prescribe something for the short term to calm you down. Like Xanax.


Pirate from the North Pole
Yin yoga, sorry I'm such a hippie but this is the most efficient way I've discovered to relieve stress.


Well-known member
If the weather is nice, I find being outside in a quiet place and just watching the trees relaxing. Emphasis on the quiet part.


Well-known member
I would suggest meditation but I think that requires some time to get the hang of it and take benefits from it. If you don't have that sort of time, you could find an activity that gets your mind off things. If you can do some sort of physical activity in a place that does not get you anxious, I'd recommend that. I would advise against doing it in your room if you study there, since you'd have a constant reminder of your worries.

For me, going to the gym does that. I go at an hour with few people, and I'm familiar with most faces there. I don't know those persons but I've seen them around quite a few times so I feel more comfortable than if everyone was a complete stranger.
Dealing with a very similar situation. Is it just spring semester? It tends to get rough the second half of the year for some reason.

First I'd say you should find the root cause - is it procrastination? Too heavy a course load? Depression? Etc.

Regardless though stress management techniques as others have mentioned can be helpful, like exercise and music and so on. But that stuff gets thrown around a lot as a solution when sometimes I think stress can be so intense almost nothing helps but getting rid of the stressor. Again, assess the real reason(s). Will stress reduction techniques help or do you need something more?


Well-known member
YouTube something really dumb and/or funny. Laughter is the best medicine. It takes your mind off your problems for a while and calms things down a few notches. If that's not your bag, try music. I wouldn't recommend video games. Depending on what you play, it might make you more anxious.


Well-known member
YouTube something really dumb and/or funny. Laughter is the best medicine. It takes your mind off your problems for a while and calms things down a few notches. If that's not your bag, try music. I wouldn't recommend video games. Depending on what you play, it might make you more anxious.

Not for me, I've never noticed video games giving me anxiety. In fact, playing GTA IV is a great way for me to have a lot fun and relax. Unfortunately I haven't been able to play it for about a year or so due to computer problems and lack of money.

I haven't been able to play very many video games for about a year actually, I've gone weeks without playing any at all. The only difference I've noticed is I now have one more thing making me depressed at times.

But other things that work great for stress reduction is stretching (especially when synchronizing it with deep breathing and focusing on relaxing), messaging, and meditation.
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Well-known member
Lately I've been really stressed from school, especially this past few weeks. I'm honestly not sure how to handle this. I'm starting to get some headaches and my energy is just low. I'm constantly worrying about things and my grades are starting to drop. I doubt I'll be able to finish this semester if this keeps going on. How do y'all handle your stress? Any tips or advice would be nice.


What level are you in? Freshman, sophomore? I've heard that people often times get more depressed in their sophomore year.

I don't handle stress well, that's for sure. I'm assuming a lot of anxious people don't. Like pacific said, I find yoga to be a good temporary fix. It certainly makes my muscles hurt less for a little while more than anything else I've ever tried. You probably have to find your own thing that works for you, but try everything people here have suggested and you might be surprised.

The Observer

Well-known member
Stop worrying about things. "Things" is all they are at the end of the day. Do you love yourself enough to stop hurting yourself?