I have never had a girlfriend in my life


Well-known member
Lonelyheart said:
still-in-my-shell said:
Besides, I'd rather date someone who was older and never dated than someone who didn't take relationships seriously and had slept with lots of girls

:) Oh My God, are you serious!!! I didn't think girls like you existed. In my neighborhood, it's always the players who get the girls.

Do any of the other female members of this forum feel like "still-in-my-shell" or is she a rarity?
I feel the exact same way. I'd much rather be with a guy who's on a somewhat equal playing field as me. I'm 19 years old myself, and I've never had a boyfriend or ever kissed anyone before either.


Active member
I can't actually remember if I've already replied to one of these subjects already. In case I haven't:

I'm 27 and have never had a girlfriend, had sex, or even kissed.

In my teenage years it was because I was a sad lonely fat loser. In my university years it was because the social phobia was setting in, I had no socia skills, and I'd given up hope of ever trying to be more than friends with women. After univeristy I just had no social life at all - barely ever left the house - and therefore just didn't have the means to ever be in the same room as a woman.

I'm really a 12 year old boy, in terms of experience. Waiting for my first kiss. Excited, but also scared and intimidated by girls, a species I have not yet had the social experience to understand.

As a 27 year old man I doubt I could ever provide anything - emotionally or physically - that a woman wants from a man. I'm a scared little boy with no experience. If I went on a date with a woman my age, she'd have to choose where we're going, drive us there, take the lead every step of the way because I don't know how social places work; then if the amazing happens and she wants to kiss me, she'll get the inept first-time kiss a 12 year old would give her.

So I'm pretty sure I'm never going to do that. Yet I have a sex drive and a love of women. Torture.


Well-known member
Squeaky, there's no need to be rough on yourself. The majority of women I've dated turned out to have just as many problems as I have - and prior to that I always thought they were part of some super-composed, alien race that somehow manages to have babies without ever giving in to men - because that's how it looked to me. Remember though that you don't have to change or adapt to cater to anyone. In fact, you know what's proven to be one of the biggest turn ons throughout our entire evolutionary cycle? Intelligence - and you've got plenty of it from what I've read. Uncover the things you like about yourself and build on those, because once you can take pride in what you've got, others will definitely take note.


Well-known member
Hi everyone, I'm new to this particular forum. I have hyperhidrosis which has caused me to develop anxiety and depression.

I am 21 and have never been in a relationship, never been on a date, and never been kissed. It has been very difficult for me because I DO get pressure from my family to have a boyfriend. Some in my family have asked me if I am gay because they say I am beautiful and can get a guy easily. But they don't know about my condition. I want a boyfriend, I want to get married, and I want to have children but I just don't think that is ever going to happen. I'm in college and will be graduating soon. College i suppose to be the best years of your life but for me it has been torture. I see couples walking around holding hands and wish that was me. I feel so lonely all the time.

For you guys who feel inexperienced with relationships, I too would rather have a boyfriend who has never had a girlfriend than a guy who has been with a lot of girls. I think it will be nice for us to learn things together. :wink:


Well-known member
Girls don't worry I'll give all of you many kisses :wink:

When I was 12 I had a girlfriend that would give me a hug and a kiss every day and then the school year ended and I never saw her again. That is where my luck with girls ended. Now I'm 18 and I feel sooooooo lonely. Not to mention my sexual desires being unfulfilled. I'm not sure if a girl is interested in me or not. She started talking to me for no reason a few months ago and a couple weeks ago I kept seeing her looking at me. I found her Myspace account and invited her to my friends list and sent her a message just saying hey and saying I hoped she had a nice day. She accepted my friend invitation but didn't reply to my message so I'm not sure if she likes me or not :oops: I sent her another message asking her if she had Yahoo Messenger and saying I hoped she had a nice day. She hasn't read it yet and I've been worrying that she doesn't have any interest in me and she's wondering why the weird guy is talking to her :oops: If she doesn't reply then I'll just leave her alone losing all of the tiny amount of confidence I have when it comes to girls 8O


sadday said:
Hi everyone, I'm new to this particular forum. I have hyperhidrosis which has caused me to develop anxiety and depression.

I am 21 and have never been in a relationship, never been on a date, and never been kissed. It has been very difficult for me because I DO get pressure from my family to have a boyfriend. Some in my family have asked me if I am gay because they say I am beautiful and can get a guy easily. But they don't know about my condition. I want a boyfriend, I want to get married, and I want to have children but I just don't think that is ever going to happen. I'm in college and will be graduating soon. College i suppose to be the best years of your life but for me it has been torture. I see couples walking around holding hands and wish that was me. I feel so lonely all the time.

For you guys who feel inexperienced with relationships, I too would rather have a boyfriend who has never had a girlfriend than a guy who has been with a lot of girls. I think it will be nice for us to learn things together. :wink:

Hey are you in california. Maybe we can have some coffee sometime.

Atleast all of you are dealing with these issues now. When I was that age, I just swept things under the rug and did nothing. I was very shy at the time. Never could make eye contact with anyone. And I was very shy around women. Everybody around me was getting worried and why I wasnt dating. But instead of seeking help I was in denial and buried myself in my school and work. So here I am at 38.5 years. As of this moment..I have never had a date in my life. I only know about dates from what other people have told me. Never held hands with anyone or even experienced that sentimental "first kiss". Some people have asked or assumed I am gay. Well that couldnt be farther from the truth.

I`m not saying everything is terrible. My personality has changed alot in 15 years and doing fairly well, at least financially. I`m more outgoing and confident. And even though I openlyflirt with women, I still cant get the courage to ask any of them out. I think I probably will ask some woman out in the next week or so. But it is still going to be an uphill battle. I am intelligent, have college degree, a good job and some property, but my sexual experience is on the same level as a 12 year old. Some women are going to wonder about that. I can only hope that I find someone who will look beyond the lack of experience and see what a fine person I really am. I think I will, but its going to take some doing on my part. Im just going to have to take the plunge. I think with therapy and some willpower on my half, I will be successful.

In light of the movie "40 yr old virgin". Yes I know I am almost a real life version. But I think there are alot more of us out there. We just dont wear it on our sleeve. But unlike the character in the movie. A real life "40 year old virgin" is probably very SP and needs therapy.Like myself, a character like that would not be a laughing matter.

The younger you are though, the easier it is to tackle SP. Certainly at my age, it is possible, but there are times you feel old and tired. But now that I am awake and facing it, I cannot be alone any longer. The only way I maged to cope is work, school and medicating myself with alcohol every night. My friends and therapist have said is that by trying you will find success, but giving up is only ensure imment death because it is something so natural.

That is so true. Anyways, good luck to all of you


i really feel for you guys who have never had a girlfriend. i was in the same boat and i knew that my psychological and social problems wouldn't be cured anytime soon so i found ways, no matter how creative (or desperate and problematic) to experience some kind of physical love. it was never very romantic. but it was better than stewing alone going crazier and crazier and getting more and more depressed. now i'd say i'm better off than if i hadn't. but i basically had to give up on my life and treat it as a nightmare that i would do anything to get out of. now it's just a more tolerable bad dream. i wish i could meet someone and that we'd both fall in love. too bad that's never happened yet. i wonder what i'll have to do next to try to dull the pain of being a deranged freak. even though now i've known a few women and had a few relationships (pff...if you can call them that) I still feel like an inexperienced clown and i keep waiting to know what real love is.


bentnbroken said:

I really admire you man. Good luck with the cashier :)
The thing is....what choice do I have? If I gave up entirely, that would be the same as dying.
Hey Ill let you know. The thing is. I can dwell on all of the years I vae missed. But yet why should I have that define me now?


New member
I´m new here, so I just wanna say hello to everybody. Nice to be here. :)

I´m 36 and I never had a girlfriend.
I was shy as a teenager, tried a few times to find a girlfriend, but had no luck. I started feeling worthless and undesirable, invisible. I stopped going out and seeing my friends. Most of the time, all I could think about was, that I´m feeling miserable. There wasn´t much room for many other interests. I tried some things, but when I felt miserable again, it all became senseless to me. I gave up on myself, let my low self-esteem rule my life. I´m still trying to find a girlfriend from time to time, but it just doesn´t work out.
Because I have the strangest views on how love works. And I´m falling in love very easily. When I do, I´m looking for signs of some interest in me, and I´m getting my hopes up. When I realize, that she just thinks I´m nice, I´m getting desperate and try to show her even more, that I like her. I kinda try to talk her into liking me, which is senseless, of course. At some point, I usually write her a letter/email, and everything is over.
I have this stupid idea, that if a woman ( I like ) gave me a hug, I´d just know that everything will be fine. I want love more than anything, I want to be something special for someone. It´s hurting, but on the other side, if I ever get a positive response, it´ll scare the hell out of me. No idea what to do then.
Now I´m sitting here, knowing that I wasted all those years to become someone who has no life. I´m not close to anybody, not even to my parents/family. I don´t have friends ( except for a few online friends I found this year ). It´s just me. I rarely leave home, and I don´t have much to tell.

I read some books, which helped me to some degree. I can talk to people at work ( mostly about work ). I´m not feeling as uncomfortable with another person as I used to. But I still do in groups.
Lately, I´ve been doing a lot of thinking. I realized that
- when you focus on feeling bad, you get blind for the nice things that happen around you. There is a lot that can make you feel better.
- my expectations are way too high. I´m not looking for a girlfriend, but someone who can save me.
- finding a girlfriend is not a goal like finding a new car. You only can improve your chances to be found, that´s all.
- on the internet, I do have more self-esteem. So I have it in me. I only need to find a way, to take advantage of that.


New member
Hello all. I am lifelessvoid. I'll be turning 28 in shy of 2 months. I've never had a girlfriend or a date. I was reading through this particular forum and i felt i wanted to express a small history as i'm spending another valentine's day looking at people and couples in general as i sit in a starbucks.

I always felt like i didn't have a much of a childhood. I was a small boy who got picked on in school. I had no clue or even thought that depression existed. Onwards to junior and high school, I usually spent my lunch periods alone. I believe i had like 5 friends throughout highschool. I wasn't much of a talker to other people. I didn't believe in going to my prom(not like i had the money or someone to go with). A year or so later, i'm working and going to college getting to know many people.

Moving ahead until almost now. i have just a few people that i know but as of like 2 years ago, i just have had thoughts about allienating myself from everyone i know including family and whoever else i know. i would just change my phone number and not have anything to do after work expect go to a gym or go home. I'm usually always depressed about the normal things like money, lack of a date in my life or happiness but sometimes i just end up in deep thought wondering why i exist at all(I'VE ACTUALLY STARTED HAVING THESE PARTICULAR THOUGHTS DURING MY CHILDHOOD). Right now, i'm just sitting in a random starbuccks on valentines day trying to understand why i'm here in the first place. I actually get mad just seeing people together, as a couple, (ESPECIALLY) interracial relationships, etc.

Well, i'll end this post for now as i am forming tears in my eye(that's been happening more lately as well but not to the point of actually crying).

edit: i forgot to mention that 99% percent of my thinking is negative at almost everything i see or hear and can get rather moody easily because of it.


Count me also in the ranks of the never had a girl friend in their lifetime! I hear ya LifelessVoid :cry: I tend to browse the posts here from time to time, but seeing your post, and the depression i was in from the valentine thing, well, finally have the courage to post something. Ironic isnt it? depression causing courage!

I'm 26. Same boat. Sometimes I feel like some girls might like me, but I just can never go anywhere with it. I even have the stupidest thoughts about that if I did get a girlfriend, and things went along (yeah right), and we decide to get more serious and get married, that I wont be able to do even that, because I DREAD the idea of ever going to a marriage ceremony *sigh*.

Held back by these thoughts in your head. I fall into periods of depression from time to time, when I get reminded of it, which is unfortunately almost everyday. Even walking down the street stresses me to a degree. I know my case isnt as bad as some sufferers here are, but still. When I read thier stories, I actually get teary like you said, because I just feel their suffering through my own, even while reading it.

I get by, by working. Practically, I revolve my life around my work, to just forget. Thankfully I have a good job, that doesnt have much interaction with hordes of ppl. a Techie job.

I dont know why I'm writing this really. Sounds stupid now when I look at it, and I'll as usual regret it in the 5 minutes after I post. But then again, I donno really.
It is quite normal for a person with social anxiety not to have a girlfriend through the his whole life. It is only possible if they encounter a girl with social anxiety herself. The others would not even consider them as a choice for a mate.


Well-known member
rookiearound said:
It is quite normal for a person with social anxiety not to have a girlfriend through the his whole life. It is only possible if they encounter a girl with social anxiety herself. The others would not even consider them as a choice for a mate.

Aaah, i have to disagree with that, believe it or not but opposites do attract ..often very chatty girls want the company of a good listener and just someone they can share their feelings with, just some company ..

sure that many girls go for a stereotypical blokey-guy, but thats in general, not always the case ..

i think its important to keep an open mind and to understand how diverse peoples personality can be, there are many variations ...


Well-known member
Good things about never having a girlfriend:

1. No risks of STDS or other diseases
2. No pressure to perform
3. Saving money
4. Able to keep your sanity
5. No jealousy
6. No regrets!!!


Hi People. This is my story (like many of you, who came out telling everything on this forums, I need to release my info).

- I'm a PhD Student in Mathematical Sciences in Ontario Canada.
- 27 year old male.
-Never had a girlfriend.
- I'm not gay not even undefined, I'm a normal man, that sometimes talk like a very confident one.

Now, I don't consider myself having a bad or mild condition of social anxiety, after all, I can talk about almost anything with anyone, including about relationships, even without having one, since I'm smart and I've been studying my case for 2 years now. I have friends, people that invite me to events, friends from high school that still write me, my family loves me, etc.

But definitely something have affected the way I relate to people into a more deep and emotional level.

When I was a kid, I was happy, I had a lot of friends, play a lot with them (majority of male but in my teens I was into dance parties and I would dance with girls). But I was a kind of daydreamer (and still I am), which would imagine too many things after meeting a girl I like, but I never went to the next step. I also had a low self esteem about my body cause I was skinny and had bad breath, although I've done sports all my life.

I guess my family also contributed to my behavior, I love them, we love each other, but certainly in my teens years, we never said so, they would talk to me throughout presents and gifts, since everyone worked and had no time for me. But I knew they love me on their way (no-one teach you to be father and mother). My mother sometimes would suggest to get a girlfriend, but without being serious about it, and without encourage me, my father never talked about that. In my late teens I started to play videogames (with friends) and i enjoyed so much that I went into isolation from other aspects of life. I have another younger brothers that I helped to raise (so I guess I'm not afraid to become a father if that eventually happens). One of them, start almost everyday to parties when he was 20, he got short-term relationships (and I guess sex), but never went back home and present his girl to the family, now he's 23 and finally got a girlfriend and he did show her to everyone. My youngest brother is 19 now, never had a girlfriend, he really spends time in parties (I encourage him to do it), but he enrolled in the army (probably escaping to confront real life and just concentrate to follow orders) and I guess he won't get one in a couple of years if I don't keep encourage him to do so, I also went into a period of gaming at home all day.

So I guess, as a scientist I can say that there is something in my family that had made us like that, although I know is not intentional (Also we are all adults know, at some point one should start taking care of his own life without blaming others). Now, because I'm taking the lead in terms of inter-family communications, it seems we say "i love you" more ofently, and every time we gather we really have great times emotionally, not that we didn't as a kids, but certainly more mature and sentimental.

The other facts that may affect me, is that, even if I left home at 18 to get into a far away University, I went to live always with relatives, so I stayed in a comfort zone, they would feed me, and I would just study, play video games and sports. And I still was daydreaming about relationships without ever end up in one.

At that time I was in shape physically, girls would approach to me, I would have long conversations, dance, but I would never give a step forward, maybe because I also had high expectations, cause I knew girls would approach to me, laugh with me, dance with me, so I got encouraged to get the best ones, although a "shit my pants" every time I was close to one, but since the next day I would masturbate and daydream I would not have any regrets and continue my study life like every other day (very selfish).

So I graduated, and decided to try a best luck in another country, went to Canada for a PhD, thinking that I can start from zero.

It all started well, the first months in research were good, I was in parties, girls would approach to me, and again, I would fall in all the things I went trough.

After 2 years I had my first panic attack, not related to relationships though, I was in a colloquium, very interested, and suddenly I felt like I gonna fade away and die. People took me to an emergency room, but they found nothing, from that day and in the next year and a half, I started to only think about my health, almost as being hypochondriac, I would not think in having a date until I find a brain tumor, a testicle cancer, etc, etc. I didn't tell anything to my parents, cause being far away would scare them, and we were very open and sentimental those times.
Also I would say to my colleagues that after that episode I was fine, although clearly not, what also affected my research.
Since I lost almost a year being sick, I went nuts about finishing my PhD, so I would only live for being worried about my health, and my PhD. My colleagues won't do anything cause it is normal to be a little bit crazy and geek in science. Actually there are professors and research assistants that never married, and you can bet they never had a girlfriend, but they did it as an option, cause the majority of them is happy with just science (like Newton and other famous scientist), but I'm not of that kind, my friends (well, since I went into silent modes I guess I've lost a lot of them) are getting married, they seem to be happy, I want a normal life.

So here I am, trying to find what should i do, finish my PhD (as a student one earns little money, I even being living with roomates in my comfort zone), and not to become crazy about having a relationship, although I definitely need it.

Now, I totally defeated the panics attacks, I went to many screening test, all of them negative, so I guess that's enough for my mind to not to to exaggerate any symptom any more.

But now I'm anxious (can't sleep, think properly) about getting a girlfriend and finishing my doctorate. I really believe that you learn by experience, so I know that the longer I wait for one, the worst I'll become as a bf, both in sentimental and sex aspects.

There is just one extra thing I have to mention, that certainly will help me. Finally I discovered who I am, what I want, what physiological problems I have, and seek help fro them.

I'm not looking for someone to solve my problems, for someone attractive enough to have sex, I'm less selfish, I'm looking for someone to share happiness, I'm not the kind that can be happy with himself, I need to share happiness, and make a gf happy. I really don't care about the looks anymore, I'm willing to find someone to talk to, to learn from, and to enjoy life with.

I'm confident in some aspects like, taking care of myself (I'm leaving alone, so I cook, and take care of my bachelor apt), I'm not gonna be like a child sticky beside a gf, kissing like a teenager, I have no problems to fail in the first try of sex, cause I learn fast and adapt fast, I still play sports (adding skiing, canoeing, hiking, etc, to my skills ), I still can have long conversations about life and the world, I lost my sense of humor a little bit but I can still laugh and try some ironies. And more important, I'm not afraid to ask for a phone number and date.

I would post a similar message in other forums to encourage people in our case to don't cease to try, cause for some reason I felt that I've grown up, and find the meaning of life, and I certainly will tell you how I progress.

I would like to ask for all of those people that start dating (not because of religious issues) at late ages (>25 years old), that tell us how did it work?, did it help to reduce anxiety?, did you marry?, has the relationship being longer than a year?, did you tell her immediately that you never had a relationship before?, what about sex?, Did your life improve?.

I'm now concentrated (maybe it sound cheap but I guess it will work for us), in a girl (kind of fatty, but with a nice personality) that clearly looks that never had a bf (it happens in science, more between men, but also some women), I know that she would understand my inexperience, and I will understand her, I've been approaching to her, and talking so I hope one of this days I'll ask her out (I don't want yet, cause she hasn't send me any indications of interest, so far I'm always starting the conversations). I avoid her though in my panic attacks years (she was trying to talk to me), but I hope I still attract her (I guess physically I'm still mild attractive, and funny at times). We'll see if I can regain her confidence. I'm definitely posting if it worked out.


p.s.: So I recommend:

1.- Spend a day or 2 trying to know yourself, what do you want, what can you offer, what things you do well and confidently. Write them down into a paper if anxiety makes you lose memory.
2.- Start dating, without fear rejection, every time you date you'll learn something.
3.- Obligate yourself to take control of your life, leave your parents home, live alone, set up a nice and comfortable house (invite friends, specially girls to it), that doesn't mean that you won't see family and friends anymore.
4.- Go out with friends, make new friends, enrolled in book clubs, sports, cinema, politics, etc, do something social that suits your expertise.
5.- Go to therapy, anxiety groups, maybe there is a girl (boy) waiting for you in those. Which I think is another way to get couples, why don't people start sharing their inexperience problems and look for a date with the similar?, I think that would be good since the couple know more or less their traumas. Remember that you want to share happiness, make the other happy, forget physical attraction, that can be worked out, the important thing is trust, communication, love, happy to share activities together.


Well-known member
lonely_world said:
Good things about never having a girlfriend:

1. No risks of STDS or other diseases
2. No pressure to perform
3. Saving money
4. Able to keep your sanity
5. No jealousy
6. No regrets!!!

Oh good list, must remember that one!

I'm 33 and never had a boyfriend. Some days it's bothers me terribly, other days I'm quite happy to be single.

It's not the loneliness that hurts, it's the this fear that you will be judged as being naive and immature. Ironically I probably know more about life than any person whose been in a relationship because I've had so long to get to know myself without the burden of being held back by another person.

I've come to realise that my lack of a relationship hasn't defined me, I'd like to think my work defines who I am, but I'm not sure how long I'll be happy living a good life with no one to share it with. Hmm.