Ice packs!!!


Well-known member
Did anyone try ice packs or ice gel pads to control their HH?

I just stumbled over a study that found how people exercising perspired less when having ice gel pads strapped to their body.

This is quite natural, of course, to use ice to cool down your body. I spent the last hour reading at forums and such, and read some interesting accounts saying things like "when i was pregnant i used and ice gel pad, and my sweating stopped completely."

I also recall myself a couple of times last summer, buying ice cold bottle of water and holding to my neck, that stopped the sweating not only at the neck, but at the whole body, probably because the temperature is sending signals to the body that it don't need to perspire anymore to keep the temperature "normal."

There are some products on the market at this direction, for example:
New Ice Suit Keeps You Sweat-Free During Hot Summer Days | | Anything and Everything Cool

But using regular ice gel pads - the type you use when treating an injury - or ice wraps should also be efficient. It will for sure make you perspire less from exercise/heat, and maybe if one become less anxious, it will stop the anxiety related sweating as well.

Maybe even blushing, since it is related to the same mechanism.

Besides, I couldn't think of a safer or cheaper method to control the sweating.

What remains is of course how to hide the ice pack. But I wont hide it. I already told all my friends I sweat like a dog and can't stand heat - the even nick named me "ice man" in a humorous way. It will not be embarrassed when carrying those on a hot day.

I think the ice gel wraps will also potentially stop the dreadful "hot rushes" that sometimes comes before the dreaded sweat sessions. Even holding a small ice pack, or placing it to your neck, will cut that rush of.

Any thoughts or experiences in this matter?