I'm going to get kicked out of the house.


Active member
Ironically enough because I'm too afraid to leave the house to get a job. I understand where my mom is coming from but I have no clue how I'll manage. I think I'll just kill myself if she goes through and does it. It seems easy to everyone like "Oh, why don't you have a job? You lazy?" Every time I have to go out somewhere, I start freaking out and can't ever make it out of the door. I don't know what to do. If I can't even go out in public, how will I get a job?

I wish I just had a moderately large sum of money to buy an apartment that I never had to leave.

I don't know what the hell to do.


Well-known member
I know it's hard. I was unemployed for a few months because i had never had a job before and i was terrified of the prospect of having a job. Do your parents know about your phobia?


Well-known member
Plissken said:
Ironically enough because I'm too afraid to leave the house to get a job. I understand where my mom is coming from but I have no clue how I'll manage. I think I'll just ***** if she goes through and does it. It seems easy to everyone like "Oh, why don't you have a job? You lazy?" Every time I have to go out somewhere, I start freaking out and can't ever make it out of the door. I don't know what to do. If I can't even go out in public, how will I get a job?

I wish I just had a moderately large sum of money to buy an apartment that I never had to leave.

I don't know what the hell to do.

Maybe your best bet is to phone the Samaritans? (If you don't like using phones, perhaps there's an email address where could you email them?)They could advise you who to talk to, what help to get. Do you have a friend or relative who could go with you to your doctor? You really need for your parents to know that you have a medical condition (agoraphobia) that's every bit as debilitating as any physical medical problem.

Hope things work out for you, don't forget you've always got friends on this forum. :D


Well-known member
wow, that sounds just like me. im basically in the same situation as you are.

the only job i can think of being able to do is maybe telemarketing. just because you dont have to speak to someone in person...even though speaking over the phone to someone is also very difficult. ive been thinking of doing that also, but havent had any luck finding any telemarketing jobs.

and since im basically in the same situation as you i cant really give advice. but you are definitely not alone with this. I think we can only do 3 things really....

1. go see a doctor and get help
2. face your fears head on
3. or dont do anything about it and hide....which is what ide like to do! lol

wish i could give you more helpful adive...


Well-known member
I've found myself in much the same situation. After months of my parents (especially my father) hounding me to go out and get a job and me failing to do so, he's finally decided to kick me out of the house. He knows all about my social phobia but his empathy and understanding can only go so far. By now I believe he's hit a brick wall and simply doesn't give a damn about my problems any more. Like any traditionally-minded father he sees me as a man now who should be able to get over my irrational fears and take on responsibilities like every other young man out there. After all, I'm an adult and that means I should be able to go out and make my own life. To him it should just be that simple.

I think he's under the impression now that I'm just lazy and helpless. I'm supposed to be evicted from the house in about 3 weeks, which, although I understand his frustration with my inability to get and hold a job, I think is an idiotic decision on his part. Does he really think that forcing me out of the house and having me go live with some relative will make me into an entirely new person? Does he believe that it will force me to be self-reliant and therefore more socially inclined? If he does I think he's naive. He can take me out of my comfort zone at home but I know a part of it will follow me whereever I go.
More importantly, I have no intentions of becoming a burden to someone else in my family. My father's genius idea of having me go live with my cousin who is a college student miles away when I don't have a car, a job or anything of the necessary sort has left me scratching my head. I know he's fed up with me, but this is not going to help. Public transportation is not an option around here, so having me go live in a place I don't know anything about without anyway to get around, without any money, without any real support makes me wonder whether my father reallly thinks he can force me to become more responsible overnight, or if he's doing this out of spite. Maybe it's both. Or maybe he thinks that by setting me up in a situation where I'm likely to fail I will somehow magically succeed.

I am working with people now to get a job so that I can pay my car insurance and the dozen other things that pop up when you're broke. But if I'm kicked out in a few weeks that'll throw a wrench into that machine. I'm already picturing what could become of me by early next year. No car, no job, no hope. A perfect recipe for irrepairable self-destruction.