Is this world becoming emotionally dead?


Well-known member
Is it just me or does anyone else notice how much any intense emotion is utterly shunned these days?

Its not right for anyone to get overly down or upset or even for anyone to be really excited about something. The ideal image is someone who is like a robot who just goes about their day all stoic and dead-like. Obviously more so for guys, but even in women its looked at as an inferior trait that women have to cry and whine and get overly excited...almost like children. While us big strong stoic men buy the 'women-children' pretty diamonds and pretty clothes to keep them happy and try to stop them from feeling anything.

Look at whats on TV these days. None of the mainstream primetime shows seem to have any emotional depth or any emotional attachment what so ever. Its like an ADD feast of shocking visual imagery and off the wall humor to just hold our attention till the next visual feast.

Feeling down and feeling exciting is about is as human as we can get. We are suppose to feel bouts of sadness and happiness while we do our best to adapt to the world around us. I think its just a sad state that emotions are shunned so bad and braindead confidence is revered. Maybe none of us would have become so socially phobic if we were allowed to feel stupid and crazy and sad about things in a normal way instead of having to try to be so perfectly flat and 'normal'.


Well-known member
You really feel that way? That sucks - you should find better friends :). The kind that get emotional and have their ups and downs, fuck the robots!

Honestly though, I think it's all perception. I see a lot of people that let their emotions completely take hold of their life, instead of keeping their emotions under wraps. It just depends on how you look at it.

But as far as confidence goes, most confident (male) people I know are the ones that express themselves the most, believe it or not. They're usually the ones who feel level enough inside to express themselves fully to their surrounding world. And most of all - they just don't care about looking stupid, cause they've realized that everybody looks stupid every once in a while, even the most reserved. Think about that one!


Well-known member
Its good to know there are normal people out there. Where do you live? Living in the most conservative state in the one of the most conservative countries(USA) I'm sure my perspective might be a little skewed on the walking robots. Everyone around me is incredibly confident and incredibly emotionally dead and the more you dont show any emotion the more people think you are the best.

As far as confidence, I think it might depend on how you define expressing themselves. The people I know who are the most confidence can certainly express themself, but that expression is always of the superficial and emotionally shallow kind. Thats why its so easy for them to express themselves, because it means so little. Its the nature of the beast, that people who dont overally analzye their thoughts and emotions can be more confident.


Well-known member
Oh, you mean like faux-confident meathead type guys? The ones who pretend like they're tough on the outside to the extent that they just hide their emotions altogether? I hate it when people put their emotions into carnality (sure they might have the hottest chick, but out of all the tools, she's pretty dull) or material possessions (usually that 'uber cool' car they roll around in), just because they can't find real fulfillment. I think I feel bad for them though, I'd rather be a little shy than to cover up my real feelings.

I never really classify those people as being actually confident though - anybody who doesn't show vulnerability or compassion, is usually just hiding the so-called 'weakness'. For me though, I just call myself a pussy and go on with the show :).

But yeah, I'm in Pennsylvania. What about you?


Well-known member
There's a guy who i work with, who tries to put on this tough guy persona. He walks as if he is 6 feet wide and tries to hard to be macho...I hate idiots who act like that. He even claims he has never cried in his life :roll:
Well it's not just now, guys were always supposed to be emotionless. But as far as girls, I don't see how what you're saying applies to them too. There's a great deal of emotion in movies and TV out there.


Well-known member
Day_Tripper said:
Well it's not just now, guys were always supposed to be emotionless.

Always suppose to? Thats certainly a hard thing to gauge because its not exactly written in history. I would assume modern society has a large part in that. Obviously guys are suppose to exhibit more courage and strength, but the ideal modern day man is one who exhibits little to no strong emotional reaction.

The point with women is that as a society we see emotion as such a weakness that people tend to view women as not being strong enough to control their emotion.

A greal deal of emotion in movies and TV? Tell me what TV or Movies you think have emotional depth. The trash that they produce these days is sickening. Its an ADD visual feast of nothing but conveniently shallow emotions and it seems to get worse every year.
phoenix1 said:
Day_Tripper said:
Well it's not just now, guys were always supposed to be emotionless.

Always suppose to? Thats certainly a hard thing to gauge because its not exactly written in history. I would assume modern society has a large part in that. Obviously guys are suppose to exhibit more courage and strength, but the ideal modern day man is one who exhibits little to no strong emotional reaction.

The point with women is that as a society we see emotion as such a weakness that people tend to view women as not being strong enough to control their emotion.

A greal deal of emotion in movies and TV? Tell me what TV or Movies you think have emotional depth. The trash that they produce these days is sickening. Its an ADD visual feast of nothing but conveniently shallow emotions and it seems to get worse every year.

Okay, give me some well known examples of things that you think have emotional depth. I'll tell you some things I like. Pan's Labyrinth is great, The Color Purple, Big Fish, The Green Mile, Scent Of A Woman, Saving Private Ryan (the end of it is emotional) are a few I can think of. TV is harder to put emotional depth into, because you have less time.

"Always" was an exaggeration on my part. I meant in modern culture, guys have always been expected to be statue-like. Can the president get away with crying?


Well-known member
Scent of a Woman. Now thats a good movie. Dead poets society, good will hunting, braveheart.

There are always good movies, but the point I'm trying to make is that I feel that its becoming more and more common to find TV series, shows, movies that have virtually no emotional depth nor connection, yet still rated very high by the public. Even TV shows like full house or home improvement (although cheesy) felt more human emotion and connection then all this hyperactive reality TV crap we see. I just think its a sad trend that things seem to be becoming more visually stimulating and less emotionally engaging. I think the saddest part is that I think its what people want anyway.

I would vote for a president that was capable of crying. Sadness and crying is a way to come to grips with something wrong, to be able to let go and adapt and change path if need be. If only george bush was capable of crying just a little for the thousands of deaths created, this world would be a better place.
phoenix1 said:
Scent of a Woman. Now thats a good movie. Dead poets society, good will hunting, braveheart.

There are always good movies, but the point I'm trying to make is that I feel that its becoming more and more common to find TV series, shows, movies that have virtually no emotional depth nor connection, yet still rated very high by the public. Even TV shows like full house or home improvement (although cheesy) felt more human emotion and connection then all this hyperactive reality TV crap we see. I just think its a sad trend that things seem to be becoming more visually stimulating and less emotionally engaging. I think the saddest part is that I think its what people want anyway.

I would vote for a president that was capable of crying. Sadness and crying is a way to come to grips with something wrong, to be able to let go and adapt and change path if need be. If only george bush was capable of crying just a little for the thousands of deaths created, this world would be a better place.

Also great movies. I think what's going on is this: many people watch things for shock value. And shows that don't get good ratings are going to get pulled. So of course, the dramas that aren't as pleasing to the eye aren't going to be too popular. People are gonna stick with Nip Tuck and 24. That's why I watch TV for comedy.

I was just giving an example of our culture's mentality. Heck, I'm sure it's more extreme in other cultures. But I think the traditional views on this type of stuff is fading a bit, luckily.


Well-known member
I could go on forever about has horridly flawed this system is, and I live in england. It's similar if not the same, people act in life like they are in a soap, over the top reactions, extreme paranoia over laughably small things, general screwing around with topics and people that does nothing but cause confusion for both the starter and those included by it.

Hell maybe its because I don't get out much, maybe im crazy, maybe my perceptions of this world are flawed... but people are led like sheep, children are exposed to depravity and steotypical 'tags' from day one, TV is bringing people together instead of the people themselves. Violence and intimidation is drummed into people through films and well, everything media.

As for the male/female thing, the guys are in charge of the family and the wife supports the guy (usually), society stems from this I think, but then sterotypes make it eaiser to 'class/judge' people and 'put them in their place'. Also Lord of War is a amazing film.

Of course I say again I'm just posting my possible crazy thoughts down so feel free to shoot them down if you have a logical reasoning for it.