Let's tell a story!


Well-known member
Feathers whistling and singing and de-cluttering his treasures... "No, no, you can't de-clutter those old treasure chests-" he yelled... - "Oops." Feathers was shocked at what she found!!


not actually Fiona Apple
The entire lost treasure of the Inca! At this she was torn, she could either take all the coins for her eco-exploits or...


Well-known member
...Demanded a stop to these dancing shenanigans. He declared his love to Lulu, wanted to take her flipper in marriage...


not actually Fiona Apple
...You must be piccard!" pointing at the dark figure, huddled in the corner. Then...

(Yay someone revived this:D)


Well-known member
Darth Talon, the sexiest of all Darths...Siths whateva...who is a she....she's just damn tall and it was hard to tell at first.


not actually Fiona Apple
She had come seeking revenge on...the creators of her Wookiepedia page! She was appalled they did not stress her sexiness enough in the article, so...