life improving but feel more depressed


Well-known member
That's great you made positive changes in your life. You should consider talking to a professional. Therapy or meds may help. Even celebrities who have everything can suffer from depression. Could be a chemical imbalance in your brain. Look into getting professional help.


Well-known member
I am in a similar place, just hoping to ride it out. Taking supplements to try and get back into a functional state. That's an adjustment too. Career change, relationship changes, probably a big move. It's hard to remember why I'm doing it all, but maybe it's a step towards normal. I too think of 'checking out', but something someone said to me a while back has kept me going. He is a braver man than I, and he said,"Remember that you are #1". My internal narcissist took comfort in that. I am depressed, disappointed, and not happy with a lot of things, but I am still human. Being human means struggle and doubt, but it doesn't mean you have to abuse yourself. Stay strong chibiXphantom.


Well-known member
Maybe you could find a counselor,therapist and pay on a sliding scale. Some have reasonable rates. Or apply for medicaid. I think I remember you living in the US. Maybe your parents could help you with payments. If you have anymore questions feel free to send me a PM.
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