Recent content by Annie13

  1. Annie13

    things getting worse..

    havent posted a thread in a long time and just thought i needed to share this and see what people thought about it..:) about 2 years ago i started selfharming, i stopped for a few months and it was going great i wasnt selfharming, or just locking myself away in my room, im the type of person...
  2. Annie13

    update on what has happened in my life since the last post;

    Last time i posted was ages ago and things were rough at that moment; some things have got better by everyone now and then i get comments from people just saying silly things like slag and everything like that; i have come to face my fears with school and everything so i go to school more now...
  3. Annie13

    Need Some Advice :/

    well many things have happened in my life too much i can handle at the age of 13 so my mum thought it would be a good idea to get a counciller and see a doctor , so i went to the doctors today and she said i would have to see CAMS which is a childrens mental health team but the problem is i dont...
  4. Annie13

    Not Sure How I Can Cope Anymore :(

    Seems to be a long time since i posted a thread .. but i have a been good since i got bad news about my depression .. the doctors said it was fine .. but after the past few weeks .. everything seemed to come crashing down ... i felt lonely, and started self harming once again .. i have stopped...
  5. Annie13

    Sick and Tired of Rumours!

    Ahhhh, to put it mardly rumours piss me off. People have decided to wreck my life a little more, by saying to everyone in my whole i have had sex again, and apparently my ex best mate was having sex with this guy in a tree and she fell out of the tree and got knocked out, and apparently i...
  6. Annie13

    Hating Life At The Moment!

    At This Precise Moment Im Hating Life, my mum always thinks im hiding something when im not i don't know why she can't just trust me, im her daughter.Just now im in my room, and she shouted to me are you gonna stay in your room all day, in a really angry voice. I said yes what else am i suppose...
  7. Annie13

    Bullying Still Going On....

    It Has Calmed down a little bit, i have made new friends, but people still shout things at me, chuck stones, write things about me in the toilets ex. ( Annie = Slag etc. ) and it just makes me feel so small. I feel like people walk over me every single day, because they know im an easy target. I...
  8. Annie13

    Suffer With Bullying

    Im Only 13 Years Old and at this age i should be enjoying my teenage years but im not at this precise moment. I was bullied when i was 5 years old, came back with black eyes and everything, but this isn't as bad thank god. But it brings memories back.It all started because of some girl her name...