Recent content by Anubis

  1. Anubis

    I just realized something about Emotional Security...

    Remember when you were a little kid and your parents gave you a teddy bear (or another toy) to calm you down? Kinda like this (I remember mine vividly): Some of you may have felt an overwhelming sense of security while hugging your bear. In fact, some of you may have felt SO so secure...
  2. Anubis

    Do you have an INTENSE fear of being dominated?

    (This more applies to the males of this forum because society views our gender as more "dominant"). Anyway, I was just wondering if any of you share similar feelings? It just seems that whenever I'm in a situation that involves potential dominance over me, I just freeze and start becoming...
  3. Anubis

    Talk Paralysis: Caused by Lack of Skill or ... Jealousy?

    I ask because I recently bumped into an interesting definition of jealousy: Jealousy is when you look at a person's success and see injustice in fact that you were never "given" the ability to match that person's success. This creates a seemingly uncontrollable and PARALYZING desire to...
  4. Anubis

    SocialPhobiaWorld Forum's Motto "You Are Not Alone" - Helpful or Harmful?

    (Please be aware that my intention is not to attack SocialPhobiaWorld with this post. I am simply using their motto as an attention grabber to discuss a bigger topic. I do not believe SPW is intentionally or even unintentionally harming it's members with something as trivial as a motto. I...
  5. Anubis

    Self Help: The Elusive Pursuit of Perfection

    Ever notice that sometimes when you've read a string of self-help books, you actually feel more isolated and inadequate than when you started? Well, this article pretty much describes that feeling and the phenomenon of self-help books in general. It's actually one of the first articles I've...
  6. Anubis

    The "If I only had ________, I wouldn't have social phobia" Thread

    I don't know if this is common, but I constantly find myself entrapped in a uttering this phrase. And the sad thing is what I want is definitely impossible (but somewhat imaginable in the near future), which makes me suffer even more, lol. I was just wondering if you guys experience the same...
  7. Anubis

    Charlie Brown Understands Your Pain.

    Charlie Approaches the Boiling Point :|
  8. Anubis

    The Internet Addiction Test

    lol ... I know, a touchy subject. But you know the internet has to have some effect on our social phobia. Internet Addiction Test I got a 79, border-line heavy internet addict.
  9. Anubis

    Emotion and Feelings: Why do we even care?

    I'm really starting to become disillusioned with society's infatuation with emotion in general. Why do we spend so much time rectifying such a fleeting phenomenon? We work so hard trying to be "positive" and "at peace" while the rest of our lives are just collapsing around us. We fight this...
  10. Anubis

    Observation: Social Phobes are a lot like Parents/"Old" People who Hate Technology

    Observation: Social Phobes are a lot like Parents/"Old" People who Hate Technology (This is done semi-"tongue in cheek", lol, but I thought these were interesting parallels, especially since a lot of us have parents who can't stand technology). It seems that no matter how many times I show...
  11. Anubis

    Reoccuring Nightmares You Have?

    Just wondering because it's believed that dreams reveal your unconscious/"automatic" beliefs. I have several, but a prominent dream that comes to me at least once a month is a "chase" dream. Usually I'm being chased by an evil-being who's effortlessly killed several people in front of my eyes...
  12. Anubis

    Study about "Depressed People" That May Surprise You

    The popular claim: is that depressed people believe false ideas about themselves and others. In other words, they are self-deceived and out of touch with reality. This kind of self-deceptive thinking is alleged to be a factor distinguishing depressed people from "normal" people. HOWEVER...
  13. Anubis

    Eye Contact Trick: Look at someone's Ear. People won't notice the difference.

    TRY IT! lol. I did it on my sister, and she was completely convinced I was staring directly at her eyes. I also used it on a lady worker at Home Depot earlier today and I was actually able to maintain a conversation (granted home improvement related) without feeling too nervous. I think I...
  14. Anubis

    New Thought: Complacency is the Root of Social Phobia.

    Imagine if I came to your house, and killed your parents and everyone that you perceive as being completely dependent on. Since your dependable sources are no longer existant, you would have limited money, which would also mean that your access to the internet is no longer convenient. For all...
  15. Anubis

    Are you an incessant rule-follower?

    Just wondering, because it's a trait I've had since I was a kid. Whenever an external force that I perceive as a "higher authority" gives me a rule, I feel like I'm completely obligated to follow it. I feel anxious if I don't. Like when I was young, I used to drive with my dad a lot. He only...