Recent content by Blueberry

  1. Blueberry

    We are our own worst enemy

    Don´t you ever get sick of feeling sorry for yourself? Don´t you get sick of always thinking about yourself? Why do we beat ourselves up with so much negativity? I have high anxiety but I´m also grateful for a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on my table and a family that loves me...
  2. Blueberry

    SA and creativity

    How many of you are creative (since we spend so much time inside) and like to paint, draw, sculpt, write or have interesting hobbies like collecting things etc.? I think maybe there is a positive reason for being the way we are. I wonder how many brilliant and creative people had SA and...
  3. Blueberry

    On the inside looking out

    Hi everyone! I´m so glad I found this website.....I don´t feel so alone now. I didn´t know I had SA until just recently. I always thought I was just shy and super sensitive. My SA is mild but bad enough that I have problems getting out and making friends or agressively finding a job. I feel...