Recent content by Chess

  1. Chess

    Dating: Sorting the Good from the Bad

    The situation: I'm in college, a time when in addition to not flunking many people are looking to go to parties and have sex. I want to settle into a long-term relationship. The problems: Because I grew up in a household with physical and mild sexual abuse, I'm shy about intimacy and...
  2. Chess

    Introverts are smart and extroverts are dumb

    I see this idea floating around a lot on the web. So the story goes, without introverts we wouldn't have the technology we have today. Without introverts, there would be no philosophy or deep thinking. Et cetera. Honestly, it's pretty much a load of bull****. Whether someone is an introvert or...
  3. Chess

    Autumn comes and brings holidays

    What's your favorite part of the fall season? Are you a fan of Halloween or Thanksgiving? Are you looking forward to anything in particular? I'm hoping to make it to one of the local haunted houses or themed outdoor events this year. My friend wants to go to the zombie pub crawl, but it sounds...
  4. Chess

    This semester...

    This next semester I plan to start meeting people again, no matter what. I don't care how anxious it makes me, I don't care if I freeze up, and I don't care how many people don't care about or even don't like me. Nothing could be worse than loneliness and solitude at this point. I'm just sick of...