Recent content by Countrygirl98

  1. C

    How to convince my parents to let me get an iPhone?!

    So I'm 16 almost 17 and Im dying to get an iPhone. My current phone is a flip phone. Yes it sucks. I'm embarrassed of it and rarely even use it unless I'm at home. I go to a private rich kid school where almost everyone has iPhones. Probably like 10 out of 200 students don't have iPhones...
  2. C

    How to tell if he likes me!??

    So me and this guy have been friends for almost 4 years now. When I first met him we had a thing, and we acted like we were dating but it wasn't offical. He was my first kiss and he was so special to me. One day he told me he liked another girl and we stopped talking for awhile. I was...
  3. C

    How to deal with a bad breakup?

    So Me and my now ex boyfriend haven't talked for 3 days straight. He just completely stopped answering my texts, and calls randomly. No explanation or reason. I tried texting and calling and he wasn't answering so I finally went to his house last night and confronted him. Surprisingly he...
  4. C

    Is he just playing me?

    So me and my boyfriend have been dating for a week now. We're both 16 and we started talking Dec.21 and he asked me out the 26th. We've known each other long before this.. We hungout like all last week and on Tues Dec.30 was his birthday. We hungout that night and everything was great just like...
  5. C

    Dealing with rude co-workers

    Hello everyone, I'm 16 and i recently got a job about a month ago at my local grocery store. I was just bagging the first few weeks and now this past week they trained me to cashier. I've been trying my best but some of my co-workers are just plain mean to me and treat me like crap and act like...
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    Hey everyone, So I have a crush on one of my co-workers! We have a blast every time we work together. We mess around and joke with each other and I'm always excited to work with him. I never can wait to go to work next so I Can see him. I don't know how he feels about me but I'm afraid to go...
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    Hi everyone, I'm a shy person and I would want more than anything than to overcome this challenge. I've been shy my whole life and now that I'm getting older I think it's time for me to overcome shyness. It's affecting my work life and I want to be more sociable but I need advice on how to...
  8. C

    How do I overcome my somewhat shyness?

    Hi everyone, I'm typically a shy girl and I recently got a job. I feel like I have made some progress on making conversation with some of my co-workers but they've started the conversation and other co-workers say that I don't talk very much. I want to make friends with more of my co-workers but...