Recent content by dutchguy

  1. dutchguy

    Dutchguy's Journal

    Dutchguy's Journal (or; a Battle Against Shyness) Like many before me, I've decided to start a journal. Not that I think my everyday boring adventures are interesting enough for all of you to read, but it might be a good way to get some frustrations off my chest and perhaps some of my musings...
  2. dutchguy

    My mother betrayed my trust

    For some reason I feel way angrier than I think I should feel, but I need to get it off my chest. The short story is that I have a very loving, yet overprotective mother. For some reason, today she thought it was okay to borrow some of my stuff without even asking. The thing that hurts me most...
  3. dutchguy


    Hi, As of today I've been posting on these forums a little and I must say I already feel better by getting some things off my chest in an environment where I'm not getting "well, just do it" as an answer. Anyway, I didn't post an 'official' introduction yet so here you go; I'm a 25 year old...