Recent content by emptybench

  1. emptybench

    Game-like treatment

    I just found this site ( and it seems pretty nice for people suffering from depression or anxiety. Even having an account for a few hours can give many ideas about how to set goals, quests and gradually improve our mood. What did you guys think about it? I think most of...
  2. emptybench


    Don't you guys hate when people tell you that it's the birthday of someone you are not a friend of and then you have no excuse for not greeting him? Like today it's the birthday of a coworker of mine, and he is a complete troll, enjoys make fun of people, he even said that he could make fun of...
  3. emptybench

    Is it 'easier' to communicate in a foreign language?

    I've always been less shy in my foreign language classes, it just seems it's not me who is talking. Do you feel the same?