Recent content by jellzzz

  1. jellzzz

    Ridiculous anxiety about telling my parents my laptop broke

    hello everyone, I have very bad anxiety, and i deal with a really irritating problem right now. My laptop broke in october. The problem is that i am extremly scared of critisism, and i couldn't find the courage to tell my parents that the thing didn't work anymore. i tried and tried, but i...
  2. jellzzz

    My story is gonna be "published" but i am very scared

    hey everybody, i really love writing and its my biggest dream to publish a book one day. the only problem is that i am scared as hell for criticism. i find it incredibly hard and scary to let anybody read my work. even very close friends and family are not alowed to read anything. i really want...
  3. jellzzz

    Talking to a stranger

    So I just talked to a stranger in the train for AN HOUR and I am so proud of myself now :). I was just drawing and for some reason I decided to draw the word fear. After some time he looked me in the eyes and asked: but fear for what? I immediately paniced and I could have said: "for you" but...
  4. jellzzz

    Talking with my boyfriend about bullying

    Hey people, I have been bullied for 9 years, and it had a very big effect on who I am today. I suffer from social anxiety and depression and my life isn't what i want it to be. I feel terrible and worthless most of the time and I am stuck at home a lot. It took me a lot of years to find out...
  5. jellzzz

    Diagnose social anxiety

    Hey people, a couple of weeks ago I finally went to a mental hospital to get a proper diagnosis for my social anxiety/avoidant personality disorder. I will get the results today, and I am scared to death. I have no idea what is going to happen after this, so please wish me luck!
  6. jellzzz

    Totally upset about a stranger getting mad at me.

    I didn't had such a nice day today. I had a migraine-attack this night/morning but that went better after some time, so I decided to go get some groceries. I was riding on my bike and the headache was not that intens, but I was a little dizzy and not really focused. I was just wandering of in...
  7. jellzzz

    The fear of things that taste bad.

    I have this really weird fear, its really stupid, but I just want to know if anybody else has this. I am afraid of things that tast bad. Seriously. I know this sounds like a stupid excuse of someone who doesn't want to tast new things, but it's more. I want to eat things, even if they don't...
  8. jellzzz

    anxiety makes me jealous and controlling: is what i ask from him right?

    i have a very sweet boyfriend, but sometimes there are some little problems in the relationship, mostly because of my anxiety. i can get very jealous and i like to have control of thinks. i am very insecure and i have problems with trusting people. i really HATE this about my self, mostly...
  9. jellzzz

    something i wrote about SAD

    hello people, this is something i made about SAD. i would like it if you would read it :) i don't know freedom. i live in a house with open doors (but can't go outside because its dangerous) i don't know freedom. i have the right to say what i think (as long as nobody hears it) i don't...
  10. jellzzz

    More anxiety for people who have anxiety problems to.

    I am going to a school for people with special needs, qnd there are a lot more people who suffer from anxiety. And for some reason, im scared to death of them! Witch is really weird because i know how they feel and they know how i feel. On the internet i experience the opposite: im almost not...
  11. jellzzz

    About to do something I am incredibly scared of.

    Hello people, im gonna do something I am really scared of, and I just feel like sharing it. Maybe that will make it a bit easier. I really love writing stories. Its not just my hobby, its the most important thing in my life. Its my dream to be a real writer. But there are a few problems...
  12. jellzzz

    anxiety victory: sharing music

    hello people, i want to share a personal victory with you because i'm kinda proud of it :) it probably sounds like something really stupid and easy, but for me, it is not. i shared music with someone today. one of my biggest fear ever is being rejected and criticised, and getting close to...
  13. jellzzz


    anybody from holland around here? i would like to chat with sombody how also hase a social phobia (i have avoidant personality disorder and depression), but my englisch is horeble. thanks for reading:)
  14. jellzzz

    how to tel to people you have apd?

    sinds a fiew weeks i know i have apd, and it feels like a releave. for me, its like a way i can tell people who i realy am. i realy wanna tell people i suffer from apd, because i realy want them to undersstant me. but when i tried to tel my boyfriend and my family, i fond out i could't do it. i...