Recent content by Jimsie

  1. J

    Memory Loss

    I just had a pretty scary experience just going to the shops to get food. I was standing in the queue feeling particularly anxious, possibly more than usual. Paranoid that people are looking at me etc etc. Anyway when I went to pay for my shopping, suddenly I had forgot my pin number. This is...
  2. J

    Advice on getting help for social anxiety.

    I am looking for a bit of advice.. Today at work we had feedback reviews and my boss said "I know you probably know this, but you need to work on your interpersonal skills." Pretty much the same feedback as ive gotten from these things ever since primary school. I have been working there for...
  3. J

    Not social phobia, but a rational reason to avoid people?

    Wrong catagory.. deleted content.
  4. J

    Problems with work..

    Hi, I usually return to this forum every time my life takes a turn for the worse, usually because of social anxiety in some way or another. I am currently having problems at work and am posting maybe for advice but mostly as an outlet to people who might understand. After finishing university...
  5. J

    Problems with living in a student house.

    I live with 3 other students in a house and i am too scared to go downstairs incase they will talk to me. I even avoid going to the toilet and getting food. This has only really started seriously affecting me recently as the only person i talked to has now moved out and the others are spending...
  6. J

    My Story

    Hi, this is my first post. I am a 21 year old male, originally from West Midlands but now in South West for uni. I have been very shy all my life, but i think it is now effecting me more than ever. I get very depressed alot because of SA as well as other things on top of that. I am the...
  7. J

    My Story

    Hi, this is my first post. I am a 21 year old male, originally from West Midlands but now in South West for uni. I have been very shy all my life, but i think it is now effecting me more than ever. I get very depressed alot because of SA as well as other things on top of that. I am the...