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    The world is beautiful!

    So all my life I've had horrible vision and never the resources to take proper care of my eyesight. Outside in paid for me to get my eye exam and prescription glasses, they let me pic what kind I wanted and stuff. I got some with magnetic shades on them. It's startling to be able to actually see...

    Doing a bit better.

    Well, I got moved up to the second floor of shelter which gives me a guaranteed spot every night, no going and finding out i didn't get in. Less stress, more activities, more of my friends are there. It's nice. :)

    Laptop stolen

    So Friday my laptop was stolen from my friends apartment. She's in drug housing but I wanted to see her, she begged me to come watch movies on my laptop. She told me she had this guy over and vouched for him. During the night I passed out and he took my laptop to sell for drugs. I called the...

    Okay so- terrible day yesterday.

    But it got better towards the end/dinner time. I had to go to DHS officer about food stamps, my other trans friend went with me, and there was this desk guy there. A little back story on him, he is a transphobe/homophobe. The very first day I went it a month ago to renew my card which had no...


    Well I'll be honest, it sucked. Church was closed...what? CLOSED?! Last Sunday there was not even a notice that they wouldn't do anything in the morning, OR at night. So I wandered a bit, trying to think of something to do sense everything was closed pretty much, I managed to find myself at...


    I made a ginger bread house at OI, didn't have any melt downs, didn't shut down at all. The counsilors are starting to realize that they have to interact with me to get me to do join, if they're doing an activity. I won't do it on my own, but I'm trying. I met a case worker today who will talk...

    Outside In

    So, as most of you know I've been staying at a youth shelter mainly for LGBT homeless youth. I've warmed up to most of the kids there but my behavior in social settings is still, a bit off. I still shut down hard until a counsilor pretty much holds my hand and introduces me to people. I haven't...

    Horrible horrible news on my side...

    I thought that within 2 weeks of staying at my friends I could get a job in time, I was stayingwatching her cats for her. Now she can't make rent next month and I have to go. I tried asking my dad if I can come back (which is where I was) and said no. Told me to go to my sisters, and she replies...


    I need one terribly bad. None of my friends will deal with my hair because, it's really thick, and all I want is frikin layers done. This mullet thing I got going n is no good. My problem is I haven't been in a hair salon sense I was like 10 or 12. I'm afraid the hairstylist will find something...

    Running out of time here...

    So in the past like, 4 days I've had like 3 anxiety attacks blsh blah. I need to move fast, my roommies lease is up this month I hear, could be an excuse to get me out. I'm not on the lease, and the land lord wants me out. The couple are fighting daily and broke up, now ones back again and...

    People finishing what you're doing...

    This happens a lot to me, I know that I take a LONG time to decide on something, it takes me forever to unlock my front door, or even put my flip flops on. I don't really have an issue with it, I'm just a slow person when it comes to actions or when people want something NOW. It does however bug...

    Those who read my last thread about my roomates...

    So I cleaned the kitchen, still working on pizza boxes. But the smell of rotten dishes is gone. I convinced them to get a trash can also instead of having random half full garbage bags. Here's an update in what it looks like, for those who saw the pics before =D

    Fun day! =D not one thought of death.

    So today my roomies and I went to WA to get firework from Chehalis or something. We went downtown here to get her work buddy, he was REALLY COOL! Few years older than me, and really freakin cute...only gay, too bad. So we all road trip and me and him shared stories and crap, we all together got...

    What do I do about lazy roommates?

    So... I live with my friend, and her fiance. It's easier for me sense they're both trans too. But I leave every few days to stay at my friends downtownish (30 minutes train ride) so I can look for a job. I'll stay there for like a week or so but whenever I leave here I make sure stuff is...

    Being looked at/stared at while eating- whaat?

    So I just now realized how much it bugs me, and how awkward it makes me feel to be looked at when I eat, and I'm not talking about like, "oh we're having a confersation of course I'm going to look at you." but like, my friend/roomie made me and her orange chicken and rice, and before we sat down...