Recent content by lilmutegirl

  1. lilmutegirl

    Are you fragile?

    I think a good way to describe me would be "fragile." Lately, several little stressors have built up at work, and I feel like crying a lot. I feel as though I am letting people down, and, in fact, worry that the people I manage are losing trust/faith in me. I know this will likely be...
  2. lilmutegirl

    Work Lunches

    Recently, I have gone to lunch with some colleagues. The first time, there were 5 of us (all in the same position, all female). It was an okay experience, except I felt like I couldn't contribute much to the conversation. I have decent, if distant, relationships with 3 of the other 4. The fourth...
  3. lilmutegirl


    Sometimes I feel like I fit in, but it's usually brief. I can feel like I am around "my people" for a short period, but it wears off, and I don't feel it every time I'm around those people. I tend to feel more comfortable around a single person than in a group as well. So, I might feel like I...
  4. lilmutegirl


    I think most of the people I know, especially my friends, have some mental health challenges, usually depression or anxiety, but not necessarily social anxiety. I don't seek out any friends, so any friends I have basically have to approach me, which I think decreases the likelihood of me...
  5. lilmutegirl

    Do people want to be friends with you?

    I have posted before about my lack of/awkward friendships. Recently, at work, someone (whom I used to supervise, actually) talked to me and told me he was telling me as a friend. This person has a history of not trusting managers, but it appears clear that he does trust me. I know he has a lot...
  6. lilmutegirl

    Redundancy at work

    I'm sorry you're going through this, emre43. It sounds like a bad situation all-around. I hope you're able to find another job that you feel as good (or better) about in the near future. How long did you work there?
  7. lilmutegirl


    I had a realization recently: I don't trust very well. I have begun questioning other people's motives, and have never trusted myself (my opinions, instincts, memories, etc.). I've been conditioned to believe that what I have to contribute to conversations doesn't matter, even if it is a...
  8. lilmutegirl


    I found a couple of other threads that address how people receive compliments (there may be more, but I didn't go through the whole list):
  9. lilmutegirl

    Bully at Work

    I've worked at an organization for nearly a decade, and have been in my current role for about 3.5 years. Someone who was basically my mentor when I was promoted has recently sent a series of emails (to groups of people-all of us peers, sometimes including managers above us) expressing how she...
  10. lilmutegirl

    What r your goals?

    That sounds like a good start! I'm glad you have things to work toward, and some avenues to begin your journey.
  11. lilmutegirl

    What r your goals?

    What a great question! I hope you’re able to take some steps to achieve your stated goals, even if you have to start off small. Here are some of my goals: -Exercise-the older I get, the more important this feels, and it also seems to get harder as each year goes by. I especially would like to...
  12. lilmutegirl

    Relationships Ease Anxiety?

    I recently (2 days ago) accepted a temporary position at work that could become permanent, if I were interested. So, over the past couple of days, while working from home, I have been going back and forth about what I wanted to do. Ultimately, I made the decision I expected, but I had been kind...
  13. lilmutegirl


    I intend to try to start journaling on a regular basis, but I have trouble free-writing, so I'd like prompts to focus on. Do you have any prompts that you find particularly helpful?
  14. lilmutegirl

    Changes at work

    I am in a management position at work, and my position is split into 2 groups (we have the same title, but there are 2 separate work groups to supervise at a variety of locations, so there are currently 16 of us-4 supervising group A and 12 supervising group B-I am one of the managers over group...
  15. lilmutegirl

    How to deal with isolation at work?

    I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Have you talked to anyone (like a manager or HR) at work, or do you have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) you could contact and talk to? At the very least, this sounds very unprofessional (to not even acknowledge a colleague-I don't have in-depth...