Recent content by LittleMissMuffet

  1. LittleMissMuffet

    Personality Type or Mental Illness?

    I found this good article, and although it expresses fairly simple and self-evident information -it is nonetheless a valuable point of view and I think would concern everyone here. a large part of our problem to do with the fact that we perceive ourselves to have a 'problem' -ie: we don't...
  2. LittleMissMuffet

    Lose your self

    Hi, I am doing a few things that involve completely gettomg absorbed in what I am doing. Like today, for instance, I helped my mum clean and paint a flat. I felt great doing something productive and just getting absorbed in something also was great. I have read that Buddha says there are 2...
  3. LittleMissMuffet


    I know how awful it is to have social anxiety and/or be socially isolated, but I was wondering if people are able to notice anything -excuse this annoyingly optimistic word!...ahem! (#!!*!)... positive (there I said it!) things that are coming out of your time of sufferring and isolation...
  4. LittleMissMuffet

    How does this make you feel...?

    Imagine this is your reality... Imagine that you will never in this life time get over Social Anxiety. That you will always remain socially isolated and rejected. That the reality is that you simply cannot change. OK, don't imagine this too much. Because recently I have been thinking along...
  5. LittleMissMuffet

    A Suggestion

    I was thinking.... Why doesn't everybody join in group meetings with others with social anxiety. I figure that way, people could feel accepted within a group setting, for example, and work on other confidence issues. It could also help with support and understanding. And, it could lead to...
  6. LittleMissMuffet

    Melbourne Support Group?

    Hi, After reading about the Sydney support group I thought, why not get one happenning in Melbourne? So, if anyone is interested, please express your interest in this thread; and I guess we'll just take it from there. Thanks, Muffet
  7. LittleMissMuffet

    Back from Contiki Tour

    Hi, I'm back from an overseas trip. Spent 8 days out of 10 on my own except when time was organised as a group and only went out at night once once. It was quite painful at times. But I was also lucky that a good number of people seemed accepting of me to an extent -they would be kind and...
  8. LittleMissMuffet

    Email Advice from Cesar

    Hi, I have mentioned the following resource: before. And I think I have also mentioned that the creator of, Cesar Bujosa, also offers a contact through email to him. And all of this is given free of charge. I have been following the program -one...
  9. LittleMissMuffet

    A Question about Buddhism

    Hi , I've been reading ideas about attaining 'no mind' in books on Buddhism. I do have some idea of what this is about -but only a pretty vague one. So I was wondering if someone could possibly shed some light on what is meant by such theories. ...Funny though, I have been giving up thinking...
  10. LittleMissMuffet

    A funny story...

    ...that is also wise and describes part of the Buddhist approach to solving problems. And it is a good tale to keep in mind when we are trying to change anything; since the idea is that in trying or desiring to change something, we often increase our problems and sufferring. I found it in a...
  11. LittleMissMuffet

    The wisdom of Gnarls Barkley

    I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind There was something so pleasant about that place. Even your emotions had an echo In so much space And when you're out there Without care, Yeah, I was out of touch But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much Does...
  12. LittleMissMuffet

    Are other finding Mindfulness is working?

    ...because it seems to be working for me. I still largely avoid going outside of my house (which I have done since I lost my job last year and had a really harrowing experience with anxiety there). ...but I am getting braver. I feel less shame about being anxious. I can step-putside of my...
  13. LittleMissMuffet

    How to cure Stage Fright.

    ...If Shakespeare's right and:- "All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players" would you describe your acting style? Do you follow the Stanislavski Method Acting style, like Marlon Brando and James Dean? Or do you prefer Stellar Adler's and Sanford Meisner's...
  14. LittleMissMuffet

    Free advice from

    I mentioned this site in another thread. I really recommend it. I sent the author, Cesar Bujosa, an email about a question I had, and he replied with the following -I think- excellent advice... In a message dated 4/1/2007 2:02:18 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, "LittleMissMuffet" writes: "so...
  15. LittleMissMuffet

    Mindfulness Based Anxiety Reduction- selfhelp

    Please check this site out that I found when I googled the words: "Mindfulness" and "Anxiety". Website: It was started by Caesar Bujosa who is himself recovered from Social Anxiety. He has put together information about anxiety as well as questionnaires and...