Recent content by nafadda

  1. nafadda

    at what age??

    at what age do you think people should move away from parents home?? IMO somewhere between 18-21. I moved out after I finished High School at 17,that may be a bit young for some ,but that is what worked for me and I just could not have imagined living at home much longer. i think it...
  2. nafadda

    entitlement addiction????

    entitlement addiction???? It seems to me that now a days so many people have it..hmmm I wonder why that is? Is it because the media leads them to believe they are owed everything? Is it because so many people want all the latest gadgets and expensive new cars and good jobs without even have to...
  3. nafadda

    Are you kidding me now?????

    this has got to be one of the stupidist studies ever.goes to show college does NOT make people smarter and studies can be made to say ANYTHING....GIVE ME A BREAK..has the ENTIRE world gone INSANE!!!! Rock Makes You Racist, Study Finds | News @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  4. nafadda

    tough love or coddled ?

    would you rather tough love like hearing things you may not want to hear but need to hear..or be coddled like a child long after you are not one?? just curious. i have know so many grown people lately that want to be coddled and find it odd that many people are willing to do just that for...
  5. nafadda

    LOVE him or hate him

    Red Eye - College Kids Gregalogue - YouTube I LOVE his take on things..soooo funny..i LOVE when he says 'cut off your face and join a carnival!!!!':eek:
  6. nafadda

    who likes this song?

    this is an original song from one of my aussie friends.i like it. Narcissistic Personality Disorder: What Makes a Narcissist Tick /Narcissism/original by coomadoug - YouTube
  7. nafadda

    I'm fine with anyone else?

    I understand a phobia is a fear,,but does there ever become a point where people just learn to live with something and make the best out of it and even start to enjoy a certain life style,even if it is a not wanting to be around people and socialize??? I ask,because I keep seeing it called a...