Recent content by OoO JellyBean OoO

  1. O

    Exsposure? The first steps?!

    Since therapy has never helped me at all! I've decided to start taking steps on my own to get better. But i've hit a wall! I cannot think of anything that would help or anything that im currently capable of doing on my own. I feel ive fallen into old habbits and no longer want to try anymore :/...
  2. O

    I push everyone away! Whats wrong with me?!

    Every relationship ive had! At some point i completely shut down,Push them away, and treat them like complete **** and also act like i dont give 2 ****s about them! Becasue of this ive lost every friend ive ever had. I'm not close with any of my family and have lost every relationship ive had...
  3. O

    Does anyone else feel this way?

    I want to make friends and be closer with my family.. But i simply don't care about them and there life's.. I'm not interested in getting know people.. Am i the only one like this :S
  4. O

    Has therapy helped anyone here?

    Has therapy helped anyone here? I've been seeing a therapist for about a month now ( 4 Sessions ) and i'm questioning is this is really worth the money and time. I feel so hopeless! I'll never get over these anxieties..
  5. O


    I've Always dreaded them!! Everyone you know sitting in one room eating cake and watching you open your presents.. ekk *Panic Attack alert!!* how about you guys?