Recent content by Phantom99

  1. P

    Core Control

    Hey Has anyone here used this to reduce core body temperature? AVAcore | Performance on Demand, Body Core Cooling Thanks, Phantom
  2. P

    Hyperhydrosis case history

    Hi all, I thought it might be useful to build our case histories so that we have a greater idea of how each one of us suffers with this condition and whether anything stands out when we look at them. So here goes...... Please answer the questions below if you are willing 1 - What age are you...
  3. P

    Hyperhydrosis & body temperature

    Hi All, Just wondering if any of ye feel too warm all the time? I feel too warm all the time which is a serious aggravating factor for my HH. I think if I could reduce my temperature it wouldn't be as bad. I recently checked it - it's 37.5 degrees celsius. This is on the high side of normal...