Recent content by pnr

  1. P

    NBA player Royce White

    Not sure if any of you follow the American professional basketball called the "NBA" but there is a highly touted player Royce White who plays for the Houston Rockets. He is currently placed on the inactive list due to his anxiety problems and he wants the team to accommodate him with certain...
  2. P

    Scowly face in public

    What's up every1, I have this symptom of my SP that is the infamous scowly face. I get this scowly face all the time I am within people's range. It makes me look like a thug (which I definitely not) or some mad man who is about to do something violent (which I am absolutely not). I think I...
  3. P

    When you don't have SA you can do this and not care what any1 thinks:
  4. P

    basketball. any players or fans?

    I am a fan of derrick rose and like his style. I used to ball but sucked mostly. Having SA had something with it. I love the bank shot and funny shots like that. How about u guys? What our fave players or teams?
  5. P

    france is the worst for SAers.

    Hey all, I don't know how manyof u r from that country but I think IMO that France is the worst country to be living in if u have SA. French ppl judge u blatantly and don't hide their contempt . The worst is they laugh @ u if u walk talk or act funny (in their flawed opinion). Most of the...
  6. P

    Hello from France

    Hello to all, I am living in France right now and wish to talk with people who have the same insecurities as me. Or with whom I have the same insecurities. I love basketball and specifically the pick and roll (hence the name "pnr") Ironic since I have SA/SP that I love a sport in which...