Recent content by r1234

  1. r1234

    how do you order robinul??

    i've tried to order robinul online, but i can't find a website selling it. can anyone help me out with this?
  2. r1234

    question for grissom

    grissom, i think it was you that said you've been dating someone for a year and he doesn't know you have HH (if not, just ignore this question). I was just wondering how that's worked out and if he ever suspects anything, and what do you do when he tries to hold your hand? sorry to be so...
  3. r1234

    am i doing something wrong with odaban?

    I’ve been using odaban for 8 days now on my hands and feet and I can’t see any difference. Does it take awhile to work or am I doing something wrong? I spray it on at night right before I go to bed, but I don’t feel anything—it doesn’t itch or sting at all. somebody who has used it, please...
  4. r1234

    more details, please

    Hi everyone, I don’t have Social Anxiety, but I’ve been reading through your posts and find myself really intrigued. I hope I don’t offend anyone, but I want to know more about it. like what happens when you’re experiencing it? you are afraid to leave the house? You are scared to talk to...
  5. r1234

    question about socks (weird, i know)

    hi everyone--i'm new here. i think i have every type of sweating you can have, and i think it's just getting worse as i get older (awesome). question: does anyone else notice that when they wear socks, their hands sweat less? my hands and feet both sweat probably the most, and i'm paranoid...