Recent content by red_reagel

  1. red_reagel

    Going to an Asian Restaraunt

    I'm going to an Asian restaraunt, and I don't know what to expect cause I've never been to one before. Any advice or tips?
  2. red_reagel

    Miserable and Jealous of Everyone

    Everyone here definetly knows what I mean when I say I hate being a pushover. Years of being quiet, and I'm trying to speak up and be strong for once. But I still can't get anyone to listen to me, not even people who say they want to hang out with me (probably for pity). My older brother is...
  3. red_reagel

    Racial Discrimination

    I think I'm being discriminated racially for being Asian at my school, but I'm trying not too take it too seriously unless I know it's the truth. For instance, when I was getting up to turn in a paper in my Algebra class, I sat back down at the right time to see this Latina girl (also in my...
  4. red_reagel

    Jealousy- it's alright, let it ALL out

    I've been a pretty envious person my whole life, but now 'n days I'm trying to get rid of it (i feel guilty w/ other people). But I am soooo jealous of watching couples holding hands, kissing, pinning eachother to the wall around my high school. I talked to a couple; this boy who i've used to...
  5. red_reagel

    How do other people see you?

    Everybody used to be afraid of me. They always thought I was stuck-up because I didn't talk. But i thought on the outside and inside, I looked more scared and miserable than stuck-up.
  6. red_reagel

    Staring Problems

    Ughh.. dont you just hate it when you're just sitting there and doing your work, nothing real interesting, a group of people or somebody just keep staring at you. In my american studies class, we have to sit facing other students, and they all watch me all the time like I'm an alien. Same with...
  7. red_reagel


    Hi I'm new here. Feel kind of left out though since no one wants to talk to me. heheh. *coughs* Anyways I'm happy I found this site! At school and where I live there is nobody like me at all. But here, I feel welcome already. And like I said in the shyness forum, if anyone needs some tips go...
  8. red_reagel

    I think i have a social phobia

    Hey all :) hows everyone's night/day? (it's night right now where i live) Anyways I think I have a social phobia. It's so frustrating because everytime I look, it seems like I'm the only one. I'm not afraid to talk to new people anymore or teachers, but it's just when looking people straight in...
  9. red_reagel

    Hey guys

    I'm new here and still struggling with shyness myself. My site's really crappy and all, but why not give it a go? it has some advice in there and some fun stuff. Thanks for reading~